Did you ever have one of those neighbors that you were constantly amazed by their antics? There’s this one guy that we have dubbed “Looney Tunes”. Okay, it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the first signs of crazy behavior, and it stuck. I am guilty of giving people nick names.
He’s a little off kilter, dresses oddly at times, actually a lot of the time. You know those guys who live alone, have no family or friends to tell them to look in the mirror. I saw him wearing pale pink sweat pants. The funniest thing about them was that they were too small, showed his belly button and hit him at the calf, instead of the ankle. I swear he stole them from some unsuspecting woman doing her laundry. He wore them a lot. I wanted to run over and slap him in the head and tell him he looked ridiculous.
The craziness started soon after we moved in, with him going inside and slamming his front door every time I watered my grass. Apparently, I wasn’t allowed to water outside, or actually be outside. Believe it or not, for awhile I was stupid enough to not go out when he was home. Yes, but that was until I got a backbone. I mean after all, do you want a goofball standing in his driveway shooting you the evil eye? I know I didn’t. But then I got fed up and sucked it up. I mean the man worked nights, was home all day and never seemed to sleep. When was I supposed to do my yard work?
I started to go out just to see what would happen. Eventually, like all bullies, he backed down and stopped. I felt empowered. Until I realized he was sitting in his window watching me. He stands in the window a lot too. He doesn’t seem to have a clue that you shouldn’t let someone actually see you in the window.
He didn’t really earn the nick name “Looney Tunes” until he started yelling and swearing a few years ago. A stream of blue language could be heard through the open windows day after day for months on end. It got to be the joke of the neighborhood. My other neighbor would tell her visitors, “Oh, that’s just our crazy neighbor. He does that every day.” It was like it was normal to hear someone swearing at the top of their lungs all of the time. Sadly, we just got used to it.
At first I thought he had someone over there and he was fighting with them. Then I thought maybe he had Tourette’s syndrome. I know you are wondering why I never called the police. You can’t call the police on someone with an illness…, that wouldn’t be right. Later we found out he went back to school and was screaming at his computer. His what??!! It must have been female because he called it the B word a lot. A couple of times I thought he was referring to me when I was pulling weeds. I just tried to calmly continue and finished as soon as I could get the heck back in the house. When it stopped for good, I didn’t realize how quiet the neighborhood was. I spent the next year waiting for it to start again.
I realized about a year and a half ago that he didn’t have a job, because he was always home. He used to come home when I was leaving for work. That stopped and then he was home more than before and he was outside even more. I was going to be a prisoner in my own home. Some days I would get a friendly wave, and others I would get dirty looks. Don’t ask me what I did wrong, just breathe?
One time not very long ago, he freaked me out. He walked over to talk to me while I was planting flowers. My husband is Mr. Social Butterfly, and talks to anyone who approaches him. Not me. I have evolved the art of disappearing when it looks like they may want to talk. Hey, don’t judge me. I talk to people all day at work. My vocal cords get tired and I want to be left alone sometimes. But I digress.
The most horrible thing about talking to him was his smell. I can’t tell you which was worse, his greasy, dirty hair, the overpowering body odor, or the foul stench from his mouth. Oh, YUCK!! I had to hold my breath as long as I could, too many times to count. Worst of all I couldn’t come up with an escape plan. Me, the escape artist. I couldn’t even really think or pay attention to his conversation. All I could think was, “Bad smell, must escape!”
My husband told me later that he must have been lonely. Lonely, he must have been desperate to talk to me, after, not talking to me for 3 years! (Remember I dared to stay outside.) Could he at least have brushed his teeth first? Ick, ick, ick! My husband, who talks to the gossips of the neighborhood, told me that he hasn’t worked for several years. That explains some things. He is not a retired person. Did I tell you that he’s in his 30’s or 40’s? Does that change the picture in your head any?
When his house went up for sale, I felt a huge relief, that maybe we would soon get some really nice neighbors. Unfortunately, his house has been on the market a long time. Yes, the markets’ been really bad, but one can only imagine what the house looks like inside. I imagine rooms full of stacks of newspapers and leftover meals on plates everywhere. I’m crossing my fingers.
Mr. President could you please do another incentive program for prospective buyers, please?!
I blog about a variety of things both silly and serious; issues, health, meditation, movies and other things as I go treading my way through life. Photography and writing presented are protected © Copyright 2010-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven
Good Skin, Good Hair
In the couple of years that I have been eating healthier, I’ve seen changes in my skin and hair. I swear I look younger than I used to! I had to renew my driver’s license this year. I had the sticker you get as a good driver that lets you keep your license for another 4 years. After 8 years of that picture, I was ready to get rid of it. This time the picture wasn’t awful. In fact it looked better than the old one. I thought, “How weird is that?!” I had a license that I could finally show to people without cringing before I handed it over.
And the cool thing is that eight years ago, I was at about the same weight. Yet, this picture showed a more vibrant person. My chin and face looked thinner. My skin had a healthy glow and yet I was 8 years older. After I got in the car, I looked at the picture and felt recharged. For a short while I felt like I was 25 again.
I forgot about that until recently. I was cleansing my face and the sunlight was streaming in. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a face that I recognized from years ago. No acne, no blotches, no large pores, blackheads or uneven skin tone. I really looked at my face for the first time in a long time. I looked healthy. I looked more than 10 years younger. I had few lines. My skin felt smooth and silky. Even my neck had fewer creases and my décolleté was smooth and blemish free. “Wow” was all I thought.
I knew it was because I had drastically cut down on processed foods, was drinking more water, cut out soda, and ate more healthy produce. I had found the right combination. Once I almost completely eliminated the processed foods and soda, the positive changes began.
My hair regained its luster and shine about a year ago. I have colored my hair on and off since I was in high school and have always had fairly good hair. It’s fine, but not thin. I permed it because I wanted to make in fuller. In the last year or so, I stopped perming it. It is healthy again, even with swimming over the summer.
I’ve kept my hair a reddish brown shade for a lot of years, sometimes going a little darker. One day I decided to lighten it. It looked so nice and I did a nice job of getting low lights and highlights that I thought I would keep it for awhile. I found a new stylist, who really does a nice cut, so I don’t worry as much about being outdoors. I am out in the sun so much that my hair got lighter.
I was driving one day and looked in the rear view mirror and had to tdo a double take. My hair was now in the blond family, with this beautiful natural looking blend of color. It was gleaming and healthy. I also noticed I was starting to get more attention from men and women. I haven’t had this kind of attention, since... I can’t tell you when.
I’ve tried home color in blond hair before, but it never looked natural or very good on me. I looked washed out. But hair color today is so much better than 20 years ago. Yes, I did say 20 years. Boy, does that date me…
Anyway, this color I have now looks nice with my healthier looking completion. I look good!
I made the mistake of going back into a browner color though last week, which was blander than my old color. A 20 something woman I work with bluntly told me, “That color makes you look older.” I’m glad her parents didn’t raise her to be polite! I redid my hair blonder when I got home that night!
And the cool thing is that eight years ago, I was at about the same weight. Yet, this picture showed a more vibrant person. My chin and face looked thinner. My skin had a healthy glow and yet I was 8 years older. After I got in the car, I looked at the picture and felt recharged. For a short while I felt like I was 25 again.
I forgot about that until recently. I was cleansing my face and the sunlight was streaming in. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a face that I recognized from years ago. No acne, no blotches, no large pores, blackheads or uneven skin tone. I really looked at my face for the first time in a long time. I looked healthy. I looked more than 10 years younger. I had few lines. My skin felt smooth and silky. Even my neck had fewer creases and my décolleté was smooth and blemish free. “Wow” was all I thought.
I knew it was because I had drastically cut down on processed foods, was drinking more water, cut out soda, and ate more healthy produce. I had found the right combination. Once I almost completely eliminated the processed foods and soda, the positive changes began.
My hair regained its luster and shine about a year ago. I have colored my hair on and off since I was in high school and have always had fairly good hair. It’s fine, but not thin. I permed it because I wanted to make in fuller. In the last year or so, I stopped perming it. It is healthy again, even with swimming over the summer.
I’ve kept my hair a reddish brown shade for a lot of years, sometimes going a little darker. One day I decided to lighten it. It looked so nice and I did a nice job of getting low lights and highlights that I thought I would keep it for awhile. I found a new stylist, who really does a nice cut, so I don’t worry as much about being outdoors. I am out in the sun so much that my hair got lighter.
I was driving one day and looked in the rear view mirror and had to tdo a double take. My hair was now in the blond family, with this beautiful natural looking blend of color. It was gleaming and healthy. I also noticed I was starting to get more attention from men and women. I haven’t had this kind of attention, since... I can’t tell you when.
I’ve tried home color in blond hair before, but it never looked natural or very good on me. I looked washed out. But hair color today is so much better than 20 years ago. Yes, I did say 20 years. Boy, does that date me…
Anyway, this color I have now looks nice with my healthier looking completion. I look good!
I made the mistake of going back into a browner color though last week, which was blander than my old color. A 20 something woman I work with bluntly told me, “That color makes you look older.” I’m glad her parents didn’t raise her to be polite! I redid my hair blonder when I got home that night!
Attention Grabbers
Do you know one of those people who are super friendly and great to be around at first and enjoy getting lots of attention, and then turn on you like a rabid dog when they are ignored? Having been somewhat of a wallflower for much of my life, I seem to attract these kinds of people like a bad haircut.
At most of my jobs there’s been someone like that. Sometimes there has been more than one at a time. It’s like watching a fencing match, one jab after another. It’s fascinating watching them thrust and lunge and burst into a ball of flames to one up each other. Just stay out of the way until the war is over or one of them leaves. Then you’ll have to help clean up the mess. Attention seekers rarely help clean up their own messes unless it gets them some accolades. They’ll be the first ones to leave when they think the party’s over. They bounce around from relationship to relationship and job to job when they need a new audience. Especially when their charm has worn thin on everyone they work with.
The biggest problem for the rest of us is that they suck the air out of the room and the life out of us. They are very draining when dealing with them. Now I'm not talking about those creative genius types, or the gifted ones. I’m talking about the kind of people with nothing much going on. You know the type; they peaked in high school and barely made it through college. They spend their lives trying to prove to themselves that they matter. They have to prove to themselves that they are better than everyone else. Then they drag you into their car crash existence.
Instead of working hard and earning the attention that they get, they crawl over everyone else to wave their flags to get the bosses’ attention and anyone else who is watching. It’s all about the show, not the substance. If they are responsible for something that you may have a part in, put your armor on and watch out when they crack their whip. They have no mercy, because it’s all about them. So you’d better duck.
They are most annoying when they need other people to make them look good. Don’t ever expect them to share the credit either, or you will be waiting till hell freezes over. Just when you think they are going to say what a great job you did, they will find a way to make it known that they helped you to do it better. I listened in amazement as someone took direct credit for a display and materials I had created. As my superiors gave him a special gift for “all of his hard work”, I vowed to never help the attention grabbers in life take that kind of advantage of me again.
You’ll know the Attention Grabber when you get hit with their arrows. There is a lot of talk and very little actual work. They have no actual friends, only usable people. People who were their friends tend to avoid them after being burned so many times.
I’ve tried turning it around on them, but if they are very proficient at their game, they can slam you down in a heart beat. I’ve learned to wait them out. When I see one coming, I take a deep breath and try to keep too busy to play their game.
They all eventually crash and burn. When pressed to do real work once too often, they often quit. I worked with one who gave notice and told our boss not to tell anyone. He sat at a special luncheon for over three hours with all of his colleagues and said hardy a word. (That’s one sign they are not getting enough attention.) He didn’t know that our boss was so thrilled that he was actually leaving; she had broken protocol and told me. I watched him sit in anger that day. Oh happy day, he had nothing to say for once. I enjoyed watching him act like a martyr that day. It was my day of retribution for being walked all over. All of the hard work that I had done on projects, that he had insinuated were his idea and had gotten credit for where over.
At most of my jobs there’s been someone like that. Sometimes there has been more than one at a time. It’s like watching a fencing match, one jab after another. It’s fascinating watching them thrust and lunge and burst into a ball of flames to one up each other. Just stay out of the way until the war is over or one of them leaves. Then you’ll have to help clean up the mess. Attention seekers rarely help clean up their own messes unless it gets them some accolades. They’ll be the first ones to leave when they think the party’s over. They bounce around from relationship to relationship and job to job when they need a new audience. Especially when their charm has worn thin on everyone they work with.
The biggest problem for the rest of us is that they suck the air out of the room and the life out of us. They are very draining when dealing with them. Now I'm not talking about those creative genius types, or the gifted ones. I’m talking about the kind of people with nothing much going on. You know the type; they peaked in high school and barely made it through college. They spend their lives trying to prove to themselves that they matter. They have to prove to themselves that they are better than everyone else. Then they drag you into their car crash existence.
Instead of working hard and earning the attention that they get, they crawl over everyone else to wave their flags to get the bosses’ attention and anyone else who is watching. It’s all about the show, not the substance. If they are responsible for something that you may have a part in, put your armor on and watch out when they crack their whip. They have no mercy, because it’s all about them. So you’d better duck.
They are most annoying when they need other people to make them look good. Don’t ever expect them to share the credit either, or you will be waiting till hell freezes over. Just when you think they are going to say what a great job you did, they will find a way to make it known that they helped you to do it better. I listened in amazement as someone took direct credit for a display and materials I had created. As my superiors gave him a special gift for “all of his hard work”, I vowed to never help the attention grabbers in life take that kind of advantage of me again.
You’ll know the Attention Grabber when you get hit with their arrows. There is a lot of talk and very little actual work. They have no actual friends, only usable people. People who were their friends tend to avoid them after being burned so many times.
I’ve tried turning it around on them, but if they are very proficient at their game, they can slam you down in a heart beat. I’ve learned to wait them out. When I see one coming, I take a deep breath and try to keep too busy to play their game.
They all eventually crash and burn. When pressed to do real work once too often, they often quit. I worked with one who gave notice and told our boss not to tell anyone. He sat at a special luncheon for over three hours with all of his colleagues and said hardy a word. (That’s one sign they are not getting enough attention.) He didn’t know that our boss was so thrilled that he was actually leaving; she had broken protocol and told me. I watched him sit in anger that day. Oh happy day, he had nothing to say for once. I enjoyed watching him act like a martyr that day. It was my day of retribution for being walked all over. All of the hard work that I had done on projects, that he had insinuated were his idea and had gotten credit for where over.
Two Favorite Types of Exercise
First and most importantly, I found an exercise that I liked and stuck to it. Or I could switch, and add something else if I got bored. But I didn’t give up. So I tell others; try it for a month. If you still are doing it after a month, you can make it a habit. After 3 months it becomes part of your routine and easier to keep doing. Most exercisers stop exercising after 3 months. I pushed through the desire to quit. When you stop exercising you set yourself up to weight gain. SO I KEEP EXERCISING! Once you pass the one month mark, it became easier to find time to exercise. I was lucky enough that the “feel good” endorphins kicked in. Then I wanted to exercise and started to miss it if I skipped workouts. I don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it either. I found activities to do that don’t cost a lot of money. If I can exercise, almost anyone can.
These are some my favorite exercises/activities to do.
Yoga Practice
I used yoga video workouts to start out. I rented a lot and then bought the ones I liked the best. I was not ready for any jumping around and I still do not much like to do it. I started with beginner videos and had to make myself do as much as I could. I am not very flexible and never was. I am quite a bit more flexible now however, but still need to work on it. After practicing yoga for close to 3 years I can see the difference in my ability, flexibility, thought process and body. Yoga may not be for everyone, but it has done a lot for me. Yoga has taught me to breathe better and given me more mental clarity, mindfulness and resolve.
If you are interested in starting a yoga practice there are lots of different DVDs that you can find at your local library, video store, or rent by mail services like Netflix. You may want to look for a yoga studio in your area to participate in a live class with an instructor. Please talk to your doctor before you start doing any kind of exercise.
I practice 20 to 40 minutes of yoga 3 to 5 times a week except for the summer when I do a lot of gardening and some swimming. With yoga you need very little to get started. Wear comfortable clothing that stretches and moves with your body. Don’t wear anything too lose though that will get in the way. I tripped on something quite a bit, until I learned better. You don’t wear shoes, because you use a mat, and you get a better connection in the poses. I love the part about not wearing shoes and its one of the things that I love about yoga. That also saves money, by not having to buy special shoes and I love the feeling of bare feet. I spend a lot of time at home in my bare feet.
I use a sticky mat and might add blocks for some poses. You may want to get a yoga strap and bolsters or pillows to sit on for some poses and meditation. I will talk more about meditation another time. Make sure you buy a mat that is for yoga. You don’t want to slip in the poses and it will support you in the poses. You can practice on a carpeted floor, but a sticky mat is best. There are some good mats for under $20.
Please don’t be intimidated by yoga if you are overweight like me. If your doctor approves of you doing it, go for it. You will have to modify the poses however, but with time they will become easier. Yoga is a process of the body and the mind. This is one of the best ways to learn patience, mindfulness, and breathing. The poses and breathing you learn help to aide in digestion. Yoga and mediation will help to calm you, help you deal better with stress and help you to eat healthier and eat less. Yoga helps to curb cravings and makes you think more about what you eat. Seriously, I saw the difference. But if you stop practicing, you will start to loose that ability. It’s probably the only form of exercise that does that for you to the extent it does. I looked up various forms of exercise and couldn’t find information quite like yoga for curbing cravings and making you more aware of what you put into your body.
Over time I have come to love doing particular poses because they make me feel so good. As I lost weight, and with practicing yoga, I noticed that my backaches virtually disappeared. I believe it was the combination of loosing weight and yoga that helped relieve my almost constant dull back ache. (I was involved in an accident over 10 years ago while I was stopped at a construction site. My car was rear ended and totaled. Afterwards my back ached everyday.) I originally started yoga to help relieve the pain. Less than a year later my back no longer hurt everyday. In fact, I almost never have any pain, ever. Yoga feels so good and helps to relieve my stiffness too. There are lots of benefits to exercise! You still benefit from the practice, even if you can’t do all of the poses or hold them.
Yoga gives me something no other exercise ever has. It gives me a sense of serenity, healing and spirituality. It gives me the ability to be more aware of what food really tastes like. It’s heightened my desire to eat healthier and care more for my body. It helps me control my diabetes; reduce my blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and increase awareness. It’s helped me to reduce the use of salt and sweeteners. I now use sea salt, but less of it than table salt and I switched to Agave as a sweetener at home. Yoga helps you to become more patient and stronger both physically and mentally.
I find that I can handle life’s disappointments with more patience, and I am calmer in a crisis. It gives me more inner strength and resolve to be healthier. This resolve helped me to break years of bad eating habits. I hope that if you practice yoga, it helps you as well.
Yoga is the only type of exercise where I can do the same workouts over and over again without getting bored. Yoga is a process that takes time to learn and see your progress. The more you do the poses, the more you get better at doing them. This is why it is called a “practice”. In the process of practicing, you become better able to do the poses and benefit by toning your body and your mind. Yoga isn’t a competitive sport, it’s a learning process.
You can start your exercise program by walking. Walking is the best free exercise. It is a weight bearing exercise, which helps your bones and burns calories. You can do it almost anywhere, in most weather. Just dress properly for the weather. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are comfortable and supportive to avoid injuries. I am addicted to it and now want to go walking on my days off. I prefer to walk in the morning. I’ve heard that morning walking is best, because it benefits carry over for most of the day.
Start out slowly. Walk for 15 minutes if you can. Build your time to at least 30 minutes and try to walk every day if you can. I try to walk at least 3 days a week. I wear my watch so that I can time myself. Start slowly to warm up and then get into a faster pace. If you can walk longer, even better. Some days I walk for about an hour. I walk most of the year now, so I am always dressed for the weather. Read my post “Walking a Love Story”.
These are some my favorite exercises/activities to do.
Yoga Practice
I used yoga video workouts to start out. I rented a lot and then bought the ones I liked the best. I was not ready for any jumping around and I still do not much like to do it. I started with beginner videos and had to make myself do as much as I could. I am not very flexible and never was. I am quite a bit more flexible now however, but still need to work on it. After practicing yoga for close to 3 years I can see the difference in my ability, flexibility, thought process and body. Yoga may not be for everyone, but it has done a lot for me. Yoga has taught me to breathe better and given me more mental clarity, mindfulness and resolve.
If you are interested in starting a yoga practice there are lots of different DVDs that you can find at your local library, video store, or rent by mail services like Netflix. You may want to look for a yoga studio in your area to participate in a live class with an instructor. Please talk to your doctor before you start doing any kind of exercise.
I practice 20 to 40 minutes of yoga 3 to 5 times a week except for the summer when I do a lot of gardening and some swimming. With yoga you need very little to get started. Wear comfortable clothing that stretches and moves with your body. Don’t wear anything too lose though that will get in the way. I tripped on something quite a bit, until I learned better. You don’t wear shoes, because you use a mat, and you get a better connection in the poses. I love the part about not wearing shoes and its one of the things that I love about yoga. That also saves money, by not having to buy special shoes and I love the feeling of bare feet. I spend a lot of time at home in my bare feet.
I use a sticky mat and might add blocks for some poses. You may want to get a yoga strap and bolsters or pillows to sit on for some poses and meditation. I will talk more about meditation another time. Make sure you buy a mat that is for yoga. You don’t want to slip in the poses and it will support you in the poses. You can practice on a carpeted floor, but a sticky mat is best. There are some good mats for under $20.
Please don’t be intimidated by yoga if you are overweight like me. If your doctor approves of you doing it, go for it. You will have to modify the poses however, but with time they will become easier. Yoga is a process of the body and the mind. This is one of the best ways to learn patience, mindfulness, and breathing. The poses and breathing you learn help to aide in digestion. Yoga and mediation will help to calm you, help you deal better with stress and help you to eat healthier and eat less. Yoga helps to curb cravings and makes you think more about what you eat. Seriously, I saw the difference. But if you stop practicing, you will start to loose that ability. It’s probably the only form of exercise that does that for you to the extent it does. I looked up various forms of exercise and couldn’t find information quite like yoga for curbing cravings and making you more aware of what you put into your body.
Over time I have come to love doing particular poses because they make me feel so good. As I lost weight, and with practicing yoga, I noticed that my backaches virtually disappeared. I believe it was the combination of loosing weight and yoga that helped relieve my almost constant dull back ache. (I was involved in an accident over 10 years ago while I was stopped at a construction site. My car was rear ended and totaled. Afterwards my back ached everyday.) I originally started yoga to help relieve the pain. Less than a year later my back no longer hurt everyday. In fact, I almost never have any pain, ever. Yoga feels so good and helps to relieve my stiffness too. There are lots of benefits to exercise! You still benefit from the practice, even if you can’t do all of the poses or hold them.
Yoga gives me something no other exercise ever has. It gives me a sense of serenity, healing and spirituality. It gives me the ability to be more aware of what food really tastes like. It’s heightened my desire to eat healthier and care more for my body. It helps me control my diabetes; reduce my blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and increase awareness. It’s helped me to reduce the use of salt and sweeteners. I now use sea salt, but less of it than table salt and I switched to Agave as a sweetener at home. Yoga helps you to become more patient and stronger both physically and mentally.
I find that I can handle life’s disappointments with more patience, and I am calmer in a crisis. It gives me more inner strength and resolve to be healthier. This resolve helped me to break years of bad eating habits. I hope that if you practice yoga, it helps you as well.
Yoga is the only type of exercise where I can do the same workouts over and over again without getting bored. Yoga is a process that takes time to learn and see your progress. The more you do the poses, the more you get better at doing them. This is why it is called a “practice”. In the process of practicing, you become better able to do the poses and benefit by toning your body and your mind. Yoga isn’t a competitive sport, it’s a learning process.
You can start your exercise program by walking. Walking is the best free exercise. It is a weight bearing exercise, which helps your bones and burns calories. You can do it almost anywhere, in most weather. Just dress properly for the weather. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are comfortable and supportive to avoid injuries. I am addicted to it and now want to go walking on my days off. I prefer to walk in the morning. I’ve heard that morning walking is best, because it benefits carry over for most of the day.
Start out slowly. Walk for 15 minutes if you can. Build your time to at least 30 minutes and try to walk every day if you can. I try to walk at least 3 days a week. I wear my watch so that I can time myself. Start slowly to warm up and then get into a faster pace. If you can walk longer, even better. Some days I walk for about an hour. I walk most of the year now, so I am always dressed for the weather. Read my post “Walking a Love Story”.
Ten Words to Help Meet a Goal
If you are anything like me, you’ve used every excuse under the sun about why you don’t loose weight. I’m just big boned. I don’t have time to eat healthy. Healthy foods are too expensive. I’m too busy. The list goes on and on. But you do have time to EAT don’t you? Did you make a New Year’s Resolution List last year? Not much time left to start it this year. Or maybe you can save it for next year and try again… Well don’t throw your list away. If you want to be successful and want to learn to do some of the things I write about, you will not need to make a list of resolutions any longer. You will only need the desire and motivation to change.
I want this blog to help to motivate you. I no longer need to come up with a new list of resolutions. After making resolutions for over twenty years and never keeping them, I finally did keep my resolutions! I resolved to start working out. Did that, still do it, and added even more exercise! I resolved to eat healthier and I still am. I resolved to drink less soda. I do! I resolved to lose weight and this was the hardest one, but I have and hope to lose more and keep it off. I have keep off 60 pounds for 2 years. I’m still overweight, but I’m not obsessed about it. I had a very stressful year and managed to keep those 60 pounds off. Now I am seriously going through menopause. At least I haven’t gained weight back. Yeah for me.
So what was your resolution? Was it to lose weight? Start an exercise program? Eat healthy? I am no expert in diet, nutrition or exercise and I do not have all of the answers, but let me give you some pointers, motivation and tell you what finally worked for me. Hopefully, it may help you too. If you are looking for a quick fix or a super easy weight loss plan or pill, I will warn you now, it is not here. BUT once you learn how to change yourself and stick to your Life Style Change, it will be easier.
As the months pass since my Dad died, I am starting to see that I’m physically healthier. And that’s more important, to be a healthy person. I can work on the weight. I feel better, have more energy, look better and feel happier.
The following is a list of words that I want you to become more aware of. These are words you need to know and always keep in the back of your mind. These are also words that become a part of you when you accept, embrace and make them a part of your life style. This is why it a life style change. You will not be successful in loosing weight and keeping it off unless you make it a part of your everyday life style. Learn these words;
Patience is the most important thing you will need to learn and practice. If you want to lose weight and keep it off you will need to practice patience. Remember that old saying, “Good things happen to those who wait.” In weight loss you will need to be patient with yourself and the progress or regression of your weight loss. If you lose slowly don’t be discouraged. Doctors say it is healthier to lose weight slowly. When you lose weight in a slow and steady manner it takes time and patience to do it and keep it up. Slow and steady is a good way to ensure it stays off.
Resolve to lose the weight and keep it off. This is not just a New Year’s resolution; it will have to become a part of your life. You must resolve to change to lose weight and keep it off. You will need to reaffirm your resolve as you lose the weight.
3. and 4.
Determination is the key to start making changes and perseverance is the way to do it. A determined person will achieve more in life than someone who is not committed. It also takes perseverance to keep doing what you need to do.
You should become mindful of everything you put into your month and what you are eating all of the time. That may sound daunting but with practice, mindfulness will become a part of your normal thought process. Yoga helped me to become more mindful. Yoga is an exercise of the body and the mind. It is the best thing to do for helping to stop cravings. Cravings are the killers of most diets.
In learning how to do deep breathing, it will help you to learn how to give your body more oxygen. Oxygen helps to burn calories and gives you more energy. We breathe shallowly and are not getting enough oxygen into our lungs. Think about and practice deep breathing several times a day and when you crave something that’s bad for you.
Exercise is the second most important thing to do next to eating healthier in order to lose weight. It is one of the most dreaded words known to most dieters. Yes I know you hate exercise, but I will not lie to you. You have, have, have to exercise. No bones about it. No arguing about it. I have been wearing a pedometer for about 3 years to track how much I walk or bike on a daily basis. It keeps your effort and the need to walk more in your awareness.
Without exercise you will stop losing weight and WILL GAIN IT BACK. Sorry, I know the truth hurts. Learn to embrace exercise and it will become a part of your life. Remember to practice patience and perseverance in your attempts to exercise.
You need to get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep can sabotage your weight loss. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. And sorry but research says that trying to make up for lack of sleep over the weekend just does not work. Stop burning the midnight oil and go to sleep! Your body will reward you for getting more sleep. A lack of enough or proper sleep, certain ingredients that are in the foods we eat and our bodies’ inability to process simple carbohydrates, all help to keep us fat!
When I say fresh, I am referring to fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. Processed foods should be limited or cut out completely. Learn to read food labels carefully. If you cannot pronounce it, it may not be good for you anyway. Processed foods are helping to make and keep us fat. I was a processed foods junkie. Was is a key word. If I eat something process, you can bet I won’t eat that much. It is in the back of my mind. “Don’t eat that. Stop eating that.” But forgive yourself when you make a mistake.
Drink plenty of water. You must hydrate your body every day. Strive to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. I know it is hard to drink that much when you are busy, but it will help to curb your appetite and keep you healthy. Buy a reusable water bottle or container and fill it with water. Take it with you to work, to school, wherever you go so that you can sip it throughout the day. Water helps to cut the signal to your brain that you are hungry, when you really may just be thirsty. Drinking a glass of water between 15 – 30 minutes before meals will help you to eat less. I’ve timed it. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like eating after I wait by drinking water. It was just something my body needed and it wasn’t food.
Use these words and they should become a part of your daily life. I will give you more ideas of how to use them. I know it is not easy to lose weight. I started and failed lots of diets. I don’t do diets anymore. When you start to learn how to change your life, you will not think about these suggestions as a diet either. They are not. What I did was to change my habits. I will blog about it more.
Remember to consult your doctor before you start any exercise program or diet. I consulted my doctor and keep him updated on my progress. He gave me a high 5’s last time I saw him. I think he’s pretty proud of me. I know I am proud of me and like myself a lot more.
I want this blog to help to motivate you. I no longer need to come up with a new list of resolutions. After making resolutions for over twenty years and never keeping them, I finally did keep my resolutions! I resolved to start working out. Did that, still do it, and added even more exercise! I resolved to eat healthier and I still am. I resolved to drink less soda. I do! I resolved to lose weight and this was the hardest one, but I have and hope to lose more and keep it off. I have keep off 60 pounds for 2 years. I’m still overweight, but I’m not obsessed about it. I had a very stressful year and managed to keep those 60 pounds off. Now I am seriously going through menopause. At least I haven’t gained weight back. Yeah for me.
So what was your resolution? Was it to lose weight? Start an exercise program? Eat healthy? I am no expert in diet, nutrition or exercise and I do not have all of the answers, but let me give you some pointers, motivation and tell you what finally worked for me. Hopefully, it may help you too. If you are looking for a quick fix or a super easy weight loss plan or pill, I will warn you now, it is not here. BUT once you learn how to change yourself and stick to your Life Style Change, it will be easier.
As the months pass since my Dad died, I am starting to see that I’m physically healthier. And that’s more important, to be a healthy person. I can work on the weight. I feel better, have more energy, look better and feel happier.
The following is a list of words that I want you to become more aware of. These are words you need to know and always keep in the back of your mind. These are also words that become a part of you when you accept, embrace and make them a part of your life style. This is why it a life style change. You will not be successful in loosing weight and keeping it off unless you make it a part of your everyday life style. Learn these words;
Patience is the most important thing you will need to learn and practice. If you want to lose weight and keep it off you will need to practice patience. Remember that old saying, “Good things happen to those who wait.” In weight loss you will need to be patient with yourself and the progress or regression of your weight loss. If you lose slowly don’t be discouraged. Doctors say it is healthier to lose weight slowly. When you lose weight in a slow and steady manner it takes time and patience to do it and keep it up. Slow and steady is a good way to ensure it stays off.
Resolve to lose the weight and keep it off. This is not just a New Year’s resolution; it will have to become a part of your life. You must resolve to change to lose weight and keep it off. You will need to reaffirm your resolve as you lose the weight.
3. and 4.
Determination is the key to start making changes and perseverance is the way to do it. A determined person will achieve more in life than someone who is not committed. It also takes perseverance to keep doing what you need to do.
You should become mindful of everything you put into your month and what you are eating all of the time. That may sound daunting but with practice, mindfulness will become a part of your normal thought process. Yoga helped me to become more mindful. Yoga is an exercise of the body and the mind. It is the best thing to do for helping to stop cravings. Cravings are the killers of most diets.
In learning how to do deep breathing, it will help you to learn how to give your body more oxygen. Oxygen helps to burn calories and gives you more energy. We breathe shallowly and are not getting enough oxygen into our lungs. Think about and practice deep breathing several times a day and when you crave something that’s bad for you.
Exercise is the second most important thing to do next to eating healthier in order to lose weight. It is one of the most dreaded words known to most dieters. Yes I know you hate exercise, but I will not lie to you. You have, have, have to exercise. No bones about it. No arguing about it. I have been wearing a pedometer for about 3 years to track how much I walk or bike on a daily basis. It keeps your effort and the need to walk more in your awareness.
Without exercise you will stop losing weight and WILL GAIN IT BACK. Sorry, I know the truth hurts. Learn to embrace exercise and it will become a part of your life. Remember to practice patience and perseverance in your attempts to exercise.
You need to get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep can sabotage your weight loss. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. And sorry but research says that trying to make up for lack of sleep over the weekend just does not work. Stop burning the midnight oil and go to sleep! Your body will reward you for getting more sleep. A lack of enough or proper sleep, certain ingredients that are in the foods we eat and our bodies’ inability to process simple carbohydrates, all help to keep us fat!
When I say fresh, I am referring to fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. Processed foods should be limited or cut out completely. Learn to read food labels carefully. If you cannot pronounce it, it may not be good for you anyway. Processed foods are helping to make and keep us fat. I was a processed foods junkie. Was is a key word. If I eat something process, you can bet I won’t eat that much. It is in the back of my mind. “Don’t eat that. Stop eating that.” But forgive yourself when you make a mistake.
Drink plenty of water. You must hydrate your body every day. Strive to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. I know it is hard to drink that much when you are busy, but it will help to curb your appetite and keep you healthy. Buy a reusable water bottle or container and fill it with water. Take it with you to work, to school, wherever you go so that you can sip it throughout the day. Water helps to cut the signal to your brain that you are hungry, when you really may just be thirsty. Drinking a glass of water between 15 – 30 minutes before meals will help you to eat less. I’ve timed it. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like eating after I wait by drinking water. It was just something my body needed and it wasn’t food.
Use these words and they should become a part of your daily life. I will give you more ideas of how to use them. I know it is not easy to lose weight. I started and failed lots of diets. I don’t do diets anymore. When you start to learn how to change your life, you will not think about these suggestions as a diet either. They are not. What I did was to change my habits. I will blog about it more.
Remember to consult your doctor before you start any exercise program or diet. I consulted my doctor and keep him updated on my progress. He gave me a high 5’s last time I saw him. I think he’s pretty proud of me. I know I am proud of me and like myself a lot more.
Take Medications? A Few Helpful Hints
If you’re like me and sometimes get too busy and forget to take your medication, here are a few ways to help you remember. Look them up online, like Web MD and learn all you can about them. Ask questions about them and always follow your doctor's directions. If you have any side effects, call your doctor. Don’t just stop taking your medications unless your doctor tells you to stop using them. Use your medications exactly as directed by your doctor.
Ask your doctor these questions:
What are the side effects?
How and when should I take it?
What should I avoid, which foods, drinks, etc.?
What should I avoid doing when taking the medication?
How Not to Forget Your Medications
Set times to take your medicine every day. Use a timer, like a watch, cell phone or blackberry, alarm to remind you when to take them.
Put a sticky note on your refrigerator if you take your meds with meals or on or bathroom mirror, so you see it first thing in the morning. If you take it before bed, put it on your night stand.
Number your bottles. You can write numbers on the cap with a permanent marker. If you only take one from each bottle every day, line them up and put each one away as you take your medication. It’s easy to see which ones you have left. Or write the time of day on the cap. Keep them out where you have to walk by them several times a day, until you take them. Seeing them, will remind you that you need to take them.
Use a pill box separated into the days of the week. It’s an easy way to see if you missed a day.
Use a calendar and mark it when you've taken each medication every day. Keep a pen or pencil near the calendar. You can tie a string to your pen and tape it to the calendar.
Always carry an extra little pill box with you with at least a few of each of your meds. You never know when you may not get home in time to take them.
Ask your doctor these questions:
What are the side effects?
How and when should I take it?
What should I avoid, which foods, drinks, etc.?
What should I avoid doing when taking the medication?
How Not to Forget Your Medications
Set times to take your medicine every day. Use a timer, like a watch, cell phone or blackberry, alarm to remind you when to take them.
Put a sticky note on your refrigerator if you take your meds with meals or on or bathroom mirror, so you see it first thing in the morning. If you take it before bed, put it on your night stand.
Number your bottles. You can write numbers on the cap with a permanent marker. If you only take one from each bottle every day, line them up and put each one away as you take your medication. It’s easy to see which ones you have left. Or write the time of day on the cap. Keep them out where you have to walk by them several times a day, until you take them. Seeing them, will remind you that you need to take them.
Use a pill box separated into the days of the week. It’s an easy way to see if you missed a day.
Use a calendar and mark it when you've taken each medication every day. Keep a pen or pencil near the calendar. You can tie a string to your pen and tape it to the calendar.
Always carry an extra little pill box with you with at least a few of each of your meds. You never know when you may not get home in time to take them.
Positive Statements to Use
“Today is the start of my new life”
“I am starting over today”
“All good things are coming to me today”
“I am grateful to be alive”
“I see beauty around me”
“I am living with passion and purpose”
“I take time to play everyday”
“I am energized and alive”
“I focus on the good things in life”
“I am peaceful”
“I feel love, joy and abundance”
“I am free to be myself”
“I am grateful to be me”
“Everyday I am becoming healthier and happier.”
“I am starting over today”
“All good things are coming to me today”
“I am grateful to be alive”
“I see beauty around me”
“I am living with passion and purpose”
“I take time to play everyday”
“I am energized and alive”
“I focus on the good things in life”
“I am peaceful”
“I feel love, joy and abundance”
“I am free to be myself”
“I am grateful to be me”
“Everyday I am becoming healthier and happier.”
Sandy Just Wanted to Lose a Few Pounds…
Sandy decided one day that she was going to do something to loose a few pounds. So she made what she calls a half hearted, pathetic attempt to start running. She got up early the next morning around 6:00 am and wondered why she chose running. “Man is it dark out.” She moaned. She stepped outside to do some half hearted stretches. “Boy am I stiff”, she thought. So she started walking, then breaking into a slow jog and abruptly stopped in pain, with a stitch in her side and a charley horse in her leg. She hobbled back home holding her side, trying to catch her breath and sat on the curb in front of her house. Sandy had “run” two houses down the block. Way to go, Denise Austin.
Then suddenly around the corner came the blond goddess from down the street. Now Sandy will tell you that she’s not gay, but even she has to admit, that she is attracted to her. The woman is a stunner after all. And Sandy wanted to strangle her for it. She jogs past Sandy, her hair flowing like a shampoo commercial under her adorable little knit cap, her pert breasts bouncing in her skin tight thermal top. It is obvious to Sandy that she isn’t wearing a bra either. And she doesn’t need one.
Of course Sandy noted that the goddesses’ outfit was coordinated right down to her running shoes and socks. She looks like a super model stepping out of a magazine. Of course she does, she’s perfect. She is the polar opposite of Sandy. It’s almost as if she looks that great just to make Sandy look even sloppier by comparison. She is after all, the one neighbor who washes her car in the summer wearing a bikini. All the men in the neighborhood pretend to cut their grass when she washes her car. The women in the neighborhood try to send their husbands out on errands on car wash day. Even the sun takes that particular moment to come out of the clouds and shine onto her perfection.
Sandy had clipped her own sorely in need of a wash hair up in a messy up do. She felt like strangling her and then running her over with her lawnmower. But Sandy is just too winded to get up and get it out of the garage. Instead she just sits on the curb; gives a wave back weakly and tries to force a smile. Under her breath Sandy mutters, “Trip and at least break a nail or something.”
As Sandy struggles to get up off the curb and crawl to her front door, she looks down at her own chest. There right in the middle of her chest, is an ugly stain on her sweatshirt that she hadn’t noticed before she put it on. “Well why wouldn’t there be a stain?” she says aloud to no one. “I'm not perfect!” Sandy heads inside and mutters, “I hate exercise.”
“Ah, life is so unfair” she says. She goes straight into the kitchen, grabs a spoon and a pint of ice cream and turns on the television to watch Oprah. “At least she’s not a stick person. She’s like everyone else.” Sandy says out loud to herself. “Oprah gained back the weight and all of us felt for her. It’s the story of my life too Oprah!” Sandy says raising her spoon in salute. “Ice cream for the weak of motivation!”
Oh the travesty of it all. Let’s face it. No one is really perfect anyway are they?
Then suddenly around the corner came the blond goddess from down the street. Now Sandy will tell you that she’s not gay, but even she has to admit, that she is attracted to her. The woman is a stunner after all. And Sandy wanted to strangle her for it. She jogs past Sandy, her hair flowing like a shampoo commercial under her adorable little knit cap, her pert breasts bouncing in her skin tight thermal top. It is obvious to Sandy that she isn’t wearing a bra either. And she doesn’t need one.
Of course Sandy noted that the goddesses’ outfit was coordinated right down to her running shoes and socks. She looks like a super model stepping out of a magazine. Of course she does, she’s perfect. She is the polar opposite of Sandy. It’s almost as if she looks that great just to make Sandy look even sloppier by comparison. She is after all, the one neighbor who washes her car in the summer wearing a bikini. All the men in the neighborhood pretend to cut their grass when she washes her car. The women in the neighborhood try to send their husbands out on errands on car wash day. Even the sun takes that particular moment to come out of the clouds and shine onto her perfection.
Sandy had clipped her own sorely in need of a wash hair up in a messy up do. She felt like strangling her and then running her over with her lawnmower. But Sandy is just too winded to get up and get it out of the garage. Instead she just sits on the curb; gives a wave back weakly and tries to force a smile. Under her breath Sandy mutters, “Trip and at least break a nail or something.”
As Sandy struggles to get up off the curb and crawl to her front door, she looks down at her own chest. There right in the middle of her chest, is an ugly stain on her sweatshirt that she hadn’t noticed before she put it on. “Well why wouldn’t there be a stain?” she says aloud to no one. “I'm not perfect!” Sandy heads inside and mutters, “I hate exercise.”
“Ah, life is so unfair” she says. She goes straight into the kitchen, grabs a spoon and a pint of ice cream and turns on the television to watch Oprah. “At least she’s not a stick person. She’s like everyone else.” Sandy says out loud to herself. “Oprah gained back the weight and all of us felt for her. It’s the story of my life too Oprah!” Sandy says raising her spoon in salute. “Ice cream for the weak of motivation!”
Oh the travesty of it all. Let’s face it. No one is really perfect anyway are they?
Yoga, A Practice That Can Change Lives
When I started practicing yoga and as my practice improved, I wanted more than just the good feelings I felt. I could do many of the poses with more ease, and although I love yoga, something was missing. With the addition of meditation, I found what I was missing, more of a spiritual connection. It was the thing that I was looking for. I feel a deeper connection to god and the world around me. I feel more at one with the world and know that god is in all things. During and after meditation I have the most profound and the simplest revelations about myself and the world around me. I have become mindful in what I say and do.
A lot of good and bad things happened in the past year. Meditation has been a stabilizing and vital factor in my daily life. On the worst days I meditated. On the best days I meditated. At hospitals I meditated. When I needed time alone at work, I meditated. I meditated holding my father’s hand as he passed on from this world. Meditation helped me to be there for him without being overly emotional and staying calmer and more rational. I was able to ask the right questions, make informed decisions and pay attention to small details of his care. It gave us the gift of more quality time together, and for this of all these things, I am most grateful. I remembered my teacher’s lecture that asked, “Who are you crying for?’ when you loose a loved one. I realized I was crying for me, for my wanting him to not leave me.
I acknowledge the changes that meditation has helped produce in me. A few weeks after my father’s death, I experienced an inner peace and acceptance I may not have had for years to come. I had stopped doing some projects and activities, except for meditation and then later picked them right back up. Meditation has helped me to be more accepting of others, get back and enhance my empathy and to become more of an advocate. It has helped me to not be afraid to speak up when it was needed, without becoming overly emotional or angry. My friends noticed it. I haven’t done anything differently except meditate daily.
Some people laugh when I tell them, but I had been pulled over twice for speeding, in the seven months my father was hospitalized, (which hasn’t happened to me in years.) I was unconsciously going a little too fast and I didn’t slow down until I saw the signs a bit too late. Both times I calmly sat and waited for my well deserved punishment, a ticket; because I knew I was in the wrong. Both times the police officer let me go with only a “be careful". One was a male officer and other was a woman officer. In the past I have always gotten a ticket, even if I tried to argue, cry my way out of it or just sit and not say anything. I have never gotten out of one before, ever. I know somewhat pathetic, right.
I think I didn’t get a ticket because I accepted my error, acknowledged it to myself and waited calmly for the ticket. As I pulled away, I was thankful for the blessing and remembered this as a lesson to use. Meditate, accept what you put out there, try to become a better person, handle things with less emotion and people will recognize something within you. The officers must have seen something in me that they reacted to karmically. Karma is not about bad things happening to you. It is about things following one after another, action causing another action. In Eastern thinking Karma can be reversed, neutralized or removed through the practice of meditation. I’ll save that for another post.
I meditate for a few moments when I need to reconnect and reduce anger. I meditated to remain calm, focused and control my emotions when my father was in various hospitals. I often used the breathing to quickly calm myself. It helped me be more aware of what was going on and from becoming angry and yelling or becoming rude to the staff.
My senses are more attuned to subtle things around me. When I take walks, I look around and find delight in discovering things I hadn’t seen before. I see birds and animals I have never seen before, hidden in places I never noticed before. I now really observe my surroundings. I am becoming a better gardener. I started using organic products. I stood completely still in a meditational state and watched a hummingbird feeding next to me, unaware I was there. What a joyful encounter!
I have been seeing a lot of deer for many months. More than usual. I slow down or stop and marvel at their grace and beauty. Twice deer have gracefully walked across the road in front of me and it seemed as if I was dreaming them. They seemed as if they were unafraid of me. Just recently a deer stood watching me at the side of the road and our eyes met for a moment. I felt as if she was almost connecting with me.
Symbolically I am one of them moving along the path from the deep dark forest of unawareness, into the dappled light of the trees and awakening awareness and slowly going into the open sunlight of awareness. I have seen a doe in my meditations. She seems to want me to be patient and wait for what will come and to continue to work hard at I am doing now. She is letting me know my blessings are coming.
Meditation has given me the gift of being genuine, and not so afraid to be so. I can now tell people things that are difficult without the emotional attached. It has helped me to reconcile old hurts in my relationship with my mother and we have discussions in a calmer, more mature manner. It has helped me to feel others pain with a new insight and a more in depth understanding. My intuition is heightened. People at work are surprised at my ability to “predict” things happening. I tell them that meditating regularly has helped me to have better focus, so my observational skills are better. I’ve become calmer and more patient. I still need to work on this though. I am finding more joy in simple things.
These changes have occurred because of the deeper meditation abilities I have developed. The changes occurred because of a regular practice. I can meditate almost anywhere now. Meditation has become an integral part of my life. I like becoming a better person, the kind of person I want to be. It has helped me to keep my emotions in check most of the time, but especially when I need it most to remain calm and get through something difficult. Without the emotions I can see what is happening around me more clearly.
My focus is improving and I am procrastinating less and less. I still need to grow a lot here, but I am pleased with my progress. I plan to work on my focus more and on following through doing things to the end. I have gotten better at being able to manage multiple commitments, responsibilities and priorities with more ease. I am much better at acknowledging that I can’t get everything done at work and not worrying about it or feeling so guilty, which really eats at you. So I have a feeling of being freed from things I can’t control now.
The first teachings of what I learned about meditating helped me to start a regular meditation group. They enjoy learning the techniques and I enjoy teaching them and in turn, we all get something positive. I have felt joy and I have felt bliss since I started meditating regularly. They are indescribable feelings. I now understand what meditation does for people. I have regained my joy. I can’t wait what to see is next.
Women's Stuff
I had my annual poke and pinch exams at the gynecologist a coupe of weeks ago. It’s a five minute checkup and Pap smear. Then I get to schedule one of my least favorite things that I have to do in my life, the dreaded MAMMOGRAM. Not that the gynno exam doesn’t rank pretty high too.
So I bet you’re thinking, boy she sure is whinny. And in a way, you are correct. I have cystic breasts and had at least two exams a year for too long a time. Some of you are now saying, “Oh now I understand.” Needless to say, the exams are painful.
During my exam, my doctor asked me if I was still having my period. I told her that I was. She stopped what she was doing down there, looked up at me and said in all seriousness, “Well stop!” And she proceeded to tell me that I was too old (gee thanks for that) to still be having them.
“Well doc,” I told her. “It’s not like you can say to yourself, “Okay, that’s enough now, and then you’re done.” I mean, is she nuts or something? I’m thinking that she’s the doctor and should know better than that. Right?!
If we could will things to happen like that, would she and I even have this conversation? No we wouldn't, because I would have stopped having my period when I was 12 years old. “I don’t like this bleeding, pain and the messy stuff, so I’ll just stop having it.” Yeah, that would be great, wouldn’t it? How much nicer a big portion of my life would have been without my period. No migraines, smell or back pain. Except that I wouldn’t have had a good excuse to get out of swim class so often in high school. Hmmmm. With everything there is an equal and opposite reaction, isn’t there? Life really is about balance.
Anyway, getting back to the yucky woman stuff…
I went for the mammogram the following week. After I was sitting waiting for about 20 minutes, they called my name. The lady at the desk said that they changed the registration process and I had to go to a different desk. Apparently I didn’t get the phone call letting me know that. I did get a letter about coming in 30 minutes earlier than usual though. I guess I got the letterr so I could waste time sitting in the wrong registration area.
I charged down the hall, so I could start all over again. I got to this electronic sign in table and there was an elderly woman in front of me. Two people were trying to help her figure out how to sign in. They finally got it before I almost passed out from trying not to scream, “Let me do it for you!!” Now I had about 5 minutes of my 30 minutes left.
Luckily my good karma was working overtime that day. I got called to the desk right after I sat down. The lady at this desk said that the first desk could have taken care of me today. Oh really??!! But I couldn’t get angry; I was now starting to get very nervous about the dreaded MAMMO.
I was late by now for my appointment, but the ladies who work in mammography were so nice and said it was okay. They had a lot of patients who were late that week because of the mix up. Thank goodness. I didn’t need more anxiety. I could have kissed them both, but held back since they didn't know me.
As I said before, I find mammograms to be painful. I had my eyes shut; my fists clenched and was standing on my tip toes in preparation for the intense pain. And then, nothing… I barely felt anything! I asked the technician if she had started yet. She laughed and told me that everyone says that now. This year was different! They had the new digital machine. Let me tell you, it was a piece of cake. I was so happy, I told the technician I would do it again three more times. She laughed again said no and told me it was okay, they had enough pictures.
My breasts are very grateful!
So I bet you’re thinking, boy she sure is whinny. And in a way, you are correct. I have cystic breasts and had at least two exams a year for too long a time. Some of you are now saying, “Oh now I understand.” Needless to say, the exams are painful.
During my exam, my doctor asked me if I was still having my period. I told her that I was. She stopped what she was doing down there, looked up at me and said in all seriousness, “Well stop!” And she proceeded to tell me that I was too old (gee thanks for that) to still be having them.
“Well doc,” I told her. “It’s not like you can say to yourself, “Okay, that’s enough now, and then you’re done.” I mean, is she nuts or something? I’m thinking that she’s the doctor and should know better than that. Right?!
If we could will things to happen like that, would she and I even have this conversation? No we wouldn't, because I would have stopped having my period when I was 12 years old. “I don’t like this bleeding, pain and the messy stuff, so I’ll just stop having it.” Yeah, that would be great, wouldn’t it? How much nicer a big portion of my life would have been without my period. No migraines, smell or back pain. Except that I wouldn’t have had a good excuse to get out of swim class so often in high school. Hmmmm. With everything there is an equal and opposite reaction, isn’t there? Life really is about balance.
Anyway, getting back to the yucky woman stuff…
I went for the mammogram the following week. After I was sitting waiting for about 20 minutes, they called my name. The lady at the desk said that they changed the registration process and I had to go to a different desk. Apparently I didn’t get the phone call letting me know that. I did get a letter about coming in 30 minutes earlier than usual though. I guess I got the letterr so I could waste time sitting in the wrong registration area.
I charged down the hall, so I could start all over again. I got to this electronic sign in table and there was an elderly woman in front of me. Two people were trying to help her figure out how to sign in. They finally got it before I almost passed out from trying not to scream, “Let me do it for you!!” Now I had about 5 minutes of my 30 minutes left.
Luckily my good karma was working overtime that day. I got called to the desk right after I sat down. The lady at this desk said that the first desk could have taken care of me today. Oh really??!! But I couldn’t get angry; I was now starting to get very nervous about the dreaded MAMMO.
I was late by now for my appointment, but the ladies who work in mammography were so nice and said it was okay. They had a lot of patients who were late that week because of the mix up. Thank goodness. I didn’t need more anxiety. I could have kissed them both, but held back since they didn't know me.
As I said before, I find mammograms to be painful. I had my eyes shut; my fists clenched and was standing on my tip toes in preparation for the intense pain. And then, nothing… I barely felt anything! I asked the technician if she had started yet. She laughed and told me that everyone says that now. This year was different! They had the new digital machine. Let me tell you, it was a piece of cake. I was so happy, I told the technician I would do it again three more times. She laughed again said no and told me it was okay, they had enough pictures.
My breasts are very grateful!
Walking, a Love Story
Walking alone is a time when one can find solace and do a little soul searching. A walk early in the morning on a cool, calm day before the rest of the world awakes, is a great way to spend quality time alone. As you walk, you clear your head and can focus on a problem that you may want to solve. Walking helps to clear your mind of the cobwebs> It helps you to focus better on what may be bothering you. Some of the most creative ideas often come during walks.
While you walk you get two benefits from it; working out your problem, and exercise at the same time. What can be a better way to spend a part of your morning to get your day started on a possitive note?
Walking can be very meditative. A sense of calm and peace come over you as you gaze at the early morning sky. Really open your eyes in the early morning light. Just look around and take in everything around you. The pinks, blues and purples in the changing sky. Early in the morning you see the first hint of sun as it rises and the billowy white clouds that drift into view as the sun comes up. If you are religious, a spiritual feeling may well up inside of you as the heavens awake. However you feel, you will begin to see the beauty in a new day.
Feel how vital and alive you are. Feel part of the world around you and that you are sharing the beauty of the day with the birds, as their songs fill the air. The grass is sparkling with the early morning dew. Each blade looks as if it is a jewel, glistening in the light. Things take on a fresh, clean feeling early in the morning. It is the start of a brand new day. Stretch your senses outward and try to feel the joy of life. If you look carefully, you may see animals and birds you've never seen before.
While you continue to walk, take on a steady pace and listen to the rhythm of your footsteps as they are echoed on the ground while you travel the streets, sidewalks, and parks. Concentrate on your breathing and match it in your stride. You almost feel as if you are gliding along. This is the pure bliss of being in the moment. Take this feeling with you for the rest of the day.
While you walk you get two benefits from it; working out your problem, and exercise at the same time. What can be a better way to spend a part of your morning to get your day started on a possitive note?
Walking can be very meditative. A sense of calm and peace come over you as you gaze at the early morning sky. Really open your eyes in the early morning light. Just look around and take in everything around you. The pinks, blues and purples in the changing sky. Early in the morning you see the first hint of sun as it rises and the billowy white clouds that drift into view as the sun comes up. If you are religious, a spiritual feeling may well up inside of you as the heavens awake. However you feel, you will begin to see the beauty in a new day.
Feel how vital and alive you are. Feel part of the world around you and that you are sharing the beauty of the day with the birds, as their songs fill the air. The grass is sparkling with the early morning dew. Each blade looks as if it is a jewel, glistening in the light. Things take on a fresh, clean feeling early in the morning. It is the start of a brand new day. Stretch your senses outward and try to feel the joy of life. If you look carefully, you may see animals and birds you've never seen before.
While you continue to walk, take on a steady pace and listen to the rhythm of your footsteps as they are echoed on the ground while you travel the streets, sidewalks, and parks. Concentrate on your breathing and match it in your stride. You almost feel as if you are gliding along. This is the pure bliss of being in the moment. Take this feeling with you for the rest of the day.
Yoga, Dr. Oz and Oprah Helped Me to Overcome Life’s Aging Challenges
Do you want to be healthy, happy and age gracefully? Then maybe I can help you conquer what life throws at you with my experience.
After I turned 50, I realized that I needed to make some major changes in my life. I was very overweight, okay “obese” is the correct word. I was always tired and suffered from chronic back pain. I developed sleep and other problems. My allergies seemed to get worse and I was having more problems with asthma. My cholesterol and blood pressure were too high. I stopped weighing myself when the scale hit 259 lbs. I dreaded doctor appointments because they weigh you. I felt like a failure and hated the way I looked. I spent most of my forties gaining weight and developing health problems.
I tried to do something to at least stop gaining weight. I changed my diet a bit. I cut back on some of the junk I was eating and started to add more fiber to my diet. It was really hard to stop the cravings. I felt a little better, but not much. After over a year of eating higher fiber, I had only lost a little weight and stabilized at 251lbs. I stayed at that weight for almost a year, but at least I didn’t gain back any weight!
Of course I wasn’t doing any exercise! I never had any energy to do much of anything. I walked a bit at work, but also sat a lot. When I had to stand I would look for a stool to sit down on. My left foot started to hurt every day when I walked and my ankles became stiffer. My back hurt most of the time and my knees felt stiffer. Some days I couldn’t straighten up right away after getting up. I started to get scared. With that and chronic back pain, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk when I hit my golden years. I wanted to be an active senior and keep gardening, a passion that was starting to be too hard to manage. I had been seeing Chiropractors for several years, but it wasn’t helping my back pain enough.
I tried to exercise with some old workout videos I used to use years before. But I got so tired and out of breath that I had asthma attacks. I gave up with a sense of frustration and depression. This is was not the person I used to be.
One day I woke up and said to myself that this was the day. I was determined to feel better. I remembered hearing that yoga was relaxing and toned the body. I used to practice meditation years ago, so I thought I could at least try yoga. I rented a couple of DVDs and tried them. It wasn’t easy, even the “beginner” classes were not at all easy to do. But I didn’t give up! It took time but I started to feel some tiny differences after a couple of months. So I purchased a few different videos. (I was too embarrassed to take a class.) I have an old exercise bike, so I started to ride it a couple of miles a week. I had to make myself ride it. Not easy, when you hate exercise. Some days I made excuses to myself why I couldn’t ride the Exercycle. But I kept practicing yoga. I wasn't sure where that resolve came from. I had never been able to keep up with a diet or exercise program for long once I reached my thirties. But I was starting to feel the benefits of a regular yoga practice. And I loved them.
Not very long after I started practicing yoga, I was given the devastating news that I had type II diabetes. I had watched the Oprah show where Dr. Oz talked about the omentum. Mine was enormous. I made a doctors appointment and had blood tests done.
I felt myself go into shock when my doctor told me. I couldn’t even remember what questions to ask, I was so stunned. I had no symptoms except fatigue, and later found out I had other lesser know symptoms, like irritability. Only one relative, an aunt was a diabetic.
I went through an incredible range of emotions in those first days. But I kept up the yoga and meditation, no matter how angry or depressed I felt that day. And that was a key to meeting my life’s challenges; perseverance. I pushed myself to keep going and to make a major change in my life.
My doctor told me that almost no one ever lost the weight and defeated diabetes. He prescribed medication twice a day. After that meeting, I started to do a lot of research. Even though I had upped the fiber in my diet, I hadn’t cut out the processed foods, diet soda and enough starches to loose weight. I read article after article about how food affects your health. I found the answers to my weight and health problems. I was eating foods that defeated my attempt to lose weight. What I was eating helped make and kept me fat!
I looked up and read everything I could about diabetes, nutrition, exercise and yoga. I talked to nurses and dietitians. I listened carefully to what they had to say. I talked to diabetic patients and asked them how they found out about their illness and what they did to deal with it.
I added more fruit, whole grains, nuts, vegetables and fish to my diet and banned most processed foods. I eliminated most white foods. And believe me, It was NOT easy.
But it was yoga that I feel saved my life. I started to practice more often with the growing collection of DVDs I purchased. It surprised me just how much a regular yoga practice changed my life. It has helped me to be more mindful of how much I was eating and what I put into my mouth. I have been able to reduce or cut out the favor enhancers, like salt and butter that I use. I steam vegetables now. No more fast food or microwavable dishes. I pack a healthy lunch.
Practicing yoga has helped me really taste what I eat and to appreciate the flavors. I discovered that I love baby spinach. I wouldn't touch it when I was a kid. My snack choices became healthier. For a snack I may eat organic peanut butter, baby carrots, avocados, etc. I eat handfuls of a variety of nuts as treats. These are all healthier choices.
Six months into my practice, I realized that I could hold my breath longer. I was able to hold a pose that I couldn’t even do three months before and I started to cry tears of joy. I started to close my eyes during the poses that made me feel good. My emotions were easier to control. Feelings of irritability, anger and sadness dissipated quickly. I returned to being the more cheerful, positive person I had been years before. I had had a break through.
With proper breathing, I increased my alertness. A benefit of yoga is that the breathing aids in digestion. Combined with specific poses that enhance digestion and by adding more fiber, bowel movements increase. This may sound odd, but I always pay attention to my bowl movements now. Thanks again to Dr. Oz and the infamous Oprah "Poop show", I have them every day now.
Eating healthy and yoga are not enough to continue to loose weight though. I did not cut back much on how much I ate. I just began to eat healthier. I stopped craving junk foods and craved healthier things. However, my body began to adjust to my new habits, and my weight loss stopped. But my stamina improved, so I was able to ride my Exercycle for longer periods of time. I try to cycle at least 30 minutes five days a week. With 20 to 40 minutes of yoga, a few times a week and/or walking 3 to 4 days a week, my weight has stayed down for over 2 years. And I eat a lot of food.
Life throws you curve balls, and you just have to catch them. I started to practice meditation again and I added five to ten minutes of light weights to my workout. I started leading a relaxation and meditation group where I work. Over two years later, we still meet about twice a month, meditate and discuss more effective ways to deal with stress.
Since I started practicing yoga, I have lost and kept off about 60 pounds. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but for a diabetic, it is a huge number. I plan to continue loosing weight the slow and healthy way; a few pounds a month. I made it through the holidays (twice) without gaining any weight, something that has not happened to me in more than ten years. I am calmer in stressful situations. Stress tends to increase cortisol, which causes weight gain. In another post I will tell you about my father's illness and death and how meditation got me through it.
My A1C (a number that measures how well controlled your blood glucose is) went from 7.4 to 5.8. Needless to say my doctor looked at me with such surprise, that I had to laugh. I said to him, “See what a little yoga does for you!"
Oh and by the way, I am off the diabetes medication now too.
I encourage you to try some kind of exercise program. And learn to meditate. I get so much from it that I am now a certified meditation teacher.
After I turned 50, I realized that I needed to make some major changes in my life. I was very overweight, okay “obese” is the correct word. I was always tired and suffered from chronic back pain. I developed sleep and other problems. My allergies seemed to get worse and I was having more problems with asthma. My cholesterol and blood pressure were too high. I stopped weighing myself when the scale hit 259 lbs. I dreaded doctor appointments because they weigh you. I felt like a failure and hated the way I looked. I spent most of my forties gaining weight and developing health problems.
I tried to do something to at least stop gaining weight. I changed my diet a bit. I cut back on some of the junk I was eating and started to add more fiber to my diet. It was really hard to stop the cravings. I felt a little better, but not much. After over a year of eating higher fiber, I had only lost a little weight and stabilized at 251lbs. I stayed at that weight for almost a year, but at least I didn’t gain back any weight!
Of course I wasn’t doing any exercise! I never had any energy to do much of anything. I walked a bit at work, but also sat a lot. When I had to stand I would look for a stool to sit down on. My left foot started to hurt every day when I walked and my ankles became stiffer. My back hurt most of the time and my knees felt stiffer. Some days I couldn’t straighten up right away after getting up. I started to get scared. With that and chronic back pain, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk when I hit my golden years. I wanted to be an active senior and keep gardening, a passion that was starting to be too hard to manage. I had been seeing Chiropractors for several years, but it wasn’t helping my back pain enough.
I tried to exercise with some old workout videos I used to use years before. But I got so tired and out of breath that I had asthma attacks. I gave up with a sense of frustration and depression. This is was not the person I used to be.
One day I woke up and said to myself that this was the day. I was determined to feel better. I remembered hearing that yoga was relaxing and toned the body. I used to practice meditation years ago, so I thought I could at least try yoga. I rented a couple of DVDs and tried them. It wasn’t easy, even the “beginner” classes were not at all easy to do. But I didn’t give up! It took time but I started to feel some tiny differences after a couple of months. So I purchased a few different videos. (I was too embarrassed to take a class.) I have an old exercise bike, so I started to ride it a couple of miles a week. I had to make myself ride it. Not easy, when you hate exercise. Some days I made excuses to myself why I couldn’t ride the Exercycle. But I kept practicing yoga. I wasn't sure where that resolve came from. I had never been able to keep up with a diet or exercise program for long once I reached my thirties. But I was starting to feel the benefits of a regular yoga practice. And I loved them.
Not very long after I started practicing yoga, I was given the devastating news that I had type II diabetes. I had watched the Oprah show where Dr. Oz talked about the omentum. Mine was enormous. I made a doctors appointment and had blood tests done.
I felt myself go into shock when my doctor told me. I couldn’t even remember what questions to ask, I was so stunned. I had no symptoms except fatigue, and later found out I had other lesser know symptoms, like irritability. Only one relative, an aunt was a diabetic.
I went through an incredible range of emotions in those first days. But I kept up the yoga and meditation, no matter how angry or depressed I felt that day. And that was a key to meeting my life’s challenges; perseverance. I pushed myself to keep going and to make a major change in my life.
My doctor told me that almost no one ever lost the weight and defeated diabetes. He prescribed medication twice a day. After that meeting, I started to do a lot of research. Even though I had upped the fiber in my diet, I hadn’t cut out the processed foods, diet soda and enough starches to loose weight. I read article after article about how food affects your health. I found the answers to my weight and health problems. I was eating foods that defeated my attempt to lose weight. What I was eating helped make and kept me fat!
I looked up and read everything I could about diabetes, nutrition, exercise and yoga. I talked to nurses and dietitians. I listened carefully to what they had to say. I talked to diabetic patients and asked them how they found out about their illness and what they did to deal with it.
I added more fruit, whole grains, nuts, vegetables and fish to my diet and banned most processed foods. I eliminated most white foods. And believe me, It was NOT easy.
But it was yoga that I feel saved my life. I started to practice more often with the growing collection of DVDs I purchased. It surprised me just how much a regular yoga practice changed my life. It has helped me to be more mindful of how much I was eating and what I put into my mouth. I have been able to reduce or cut out the favor enhancers, like salt and butter that I use. I steam vegetables now. No more fast food or microwavable dishes. I pack a healthy lunch.
Practicing yoga has helped me really taste what I eat and to appreciate the flavors. I discovered that I love baby spinach. I wouldn't touch it when I was a kid. My snack choices became healthier. For a snack I may eat organic peanut butter, baby carrots, avocados, etc. I eat handfuls of a variety of nuts as treats. These are all healthier choices.
Six months into my practice, I realized that I could hold my breath longer. I was able to hold a pose that I couldn’t even do three months before and I started to cry tears of joy. I started to close my eyes during the poses that made me feel good. My emotions were easier to control. Feelings of irritability, anger and sadness dissipated quickly. I returned to being the more cheerful, positive person I had been years before. I had had a break through.
With proper breathing, I increased my alertness. A benefit of yoga is that the breathing aids in digestion. Combined with specific poses that enhance digestion and by adding more fiber, bowel movements increase. This may sound odd, but I always pay attention to my bowl movements now. Thanks again to Dr. Oz and the infamous Oprah "Poop show", I have them every day now.
Eating healthy and yoga are not enough to continue to loose weight though. I did not cut back much on how much I ate. I just began to eat healthier. I stopped craving junk foods and craved healthier things. However, my body began to adjust to my new habits, and my weight loss stopped. But my stamina improved, so I was able to ride my Exercycle for longer periods of time. I try to cycle at least 30 minutes five days a week. With 20 to 40 minutes of yoga, a few times a week and/or walking 3 to 4 days a week, my weight has stayed down for over 2 years. And I eat a lot of food.
Life throws you curve balls, and you just have to catch them. I started to practice meditation again and I added five to ten minutes of light weights to my workout. I started leading a relaxation and meditation group where I work. Over two years later, we still meet about twice a month, meditate and discuss more effective ways to deal with stress.
Since I started practicing yoga, I have lost and kept off about 60 pounds. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but for a diabetic, it is a huge number. I plan to continue loosing weight the slow and healthy way; a few pounds a month. I made it through the holidays (twice) without gaining any weight, something that has not happened to me in more than ten years. I am calmer in stressful situations. Stress tends to increase cortisol, which causes weight gain. In another post I will tell you about my father's illness and death and how meditation got me through it.
My A1C (a number that measures how well controlled your blood glucose is) went from 7.4 to 5.8. Needless to say my doctor looked at me with such surprise, that I had to laugh. I said to him, “See what a little yoga does for you!"
Oh and by the way, I am off the diabetes medication now too.
I encourage you to try some kind of exercise program. And learn to meditate. I get so much from it that I am now a certified meditation teacher.
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