If you are anything like me, you’ve used every excuse under the sun about why you don’t loose weight. I’m just big boned. I don’t have time to eat healthy. Healthy foods are too expensive. I’m too busy. The list goes on and on. But you do have time to EAT don’t you? Did you make a New Year’s Resolution List last year? Not much time left to start it this year. Or maybe you can save it for next year and try again… Well don’t throw your list away. If you want to be successful and want to learn to do some of the things I write about, you will not need to make a list of resolutions any longer. You will only need the desire and motivation to change.
I want this blog to help to motivate you. I no longer need to come up with a new list of resolutions. After making resolutions for over twenty years and never keeping them, I finally did keep my resolutions! I resolved to start working out. Did that, still do it, and added even more exercise! I resolved to eat healthier and I still am. I resolved to drink less soda. I do! I resolved to lose weight and this was the hardest one, but I have and hope to lose more and keep it off. I have keep off 60 pounds for 2 years. I’m still overweight, but I’m not obsessed about it. I had a very stressful year and managed to keep those 60 pounds off. Now I am seriously going through menopause. At least I haven’t gained weight back. Yeah for me.
So what was your resolution? Was it to lose weight? Start an exercise program? Eat healthy? I am no expert in diet, nutrition or exercise and I do not have all of the answers, but let me give you some pointers, motivation and tell you what finally worked for me. Hopefully, it may help you too. If you are looking for a quick fix or a super easy weight loss plan or pill, I will warn you now, it is not here. BUT once you learn how to change yourself and stick to your Life Style Change, it will be easier.
As the months pass since my Dad died, I am starting to see that I’m physically healthier. And that’s more important, to be a healthy person. I can work on the weight. I feel better, have more energy, look better and feel happier.
The following is a list of words that I want you to become more aware of. These are words you need to know and always keep in the back of your mind. These are also words that become a part of you when you accept, embrace and make them a part of your life style. This is why it a life style change. You will not be successful in loosing weight and keeping it off unless you make it a part of your everyday life style. Learn these words;
Patience is the most important thing you will need to learn and practice. If you want to lose weight and keep it off you will need to practice patience. Remember that old saying, “Good things happen to those who wait.” In weight loss you will need to be patient with yourself and the progress or regression of your weight loss. If you lose slowly don’t be discouraged. Doctors say it is healthier to lose weight slowly. When you lose weight in a slow and steady manner it takes time and patience to do it and keep it up. Slow and steady is a good way to ensure it stays off.
Resolve to lose the weight and keep it off. This is not just a New Year’s resolution; it will have to become a part of your life. You must resolve to change to lose weight and keep it off. You will need to reaffirm your resolve as you lose the weight.
3. and 4.
Determination is the key to start making changes and perseverance is the way to do it. A determined person will achieve more in life than someone who is not committed. It also takes perseverance to keep doing what you need to do.
You should become mindful of everything you put into your month and what you are eating all of the time. That may sound daunting but with practice, mindfulness will become a part of your normal thought process. Yoga helped me to become more mindful. Yoga is an exercise of the body and the mind. It is the best thing to do for helping to stop cravings. Cravings are the killers of most diets.
In learning how to do deep breathing, it will help you to learn how to give your body more oxygen. Oxygen helps to burn calories and gives you more energy. We breathe shallowly and are not getting enough oxygen into our lungs. Think about and practice deep breathing several times a day and when you crave something that’s bad for you.
Exercise is the second most important thing to do next to eating healthier in order to lose weight. It is one of the most dreaded words known to most dieters. Yes I know you hate exercise, but I will not lie to you. You have, have, have to exercise. No bones about it. No arguing about it. I have been wearing a pedometer for about 3 years to track how much I walk or bike on a daily basis. It keeps your effort and the need to walk more in your awareness.
Without exercise you will stop losing weight and WILL GAIN IT BACK. Sorry, I know the truth hurts. Learn to embrace exercise and it will become a part of your life. Remember to practice patience and perseverance in your attempts to exercise.
You need to get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep can sabotage your weight loss. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. And sorry but research says that trying to make up for lack of sleep over the weekend just does not work. Stop burning the midnight oil and go to sleep! Your body will reward you for getting more sleep. A lack of enough or proper sleep, certain ingredients that are in the foods we eat and our bodies’ inability to process simple carbohydrates, all help to keep us fat!
When I say fresh, I am referring to fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. Processed foods should be limited or cut out completely. Learn to read food labels carefully. If you cannot pronounce it, it may not be good for you anyway. Processed foods are helping to make and keep us fat. I was a processed foods junkie. Was is a key word. If I eat something process, you can bet I won’t eat that much. It is in the back of my mind. “Don’t eat that. Stop eating that.” But forgive yourself when you make a mistake.
Drink plenty of water. You must hydrate your body every day. Strive to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. I know it is hard to drink that much when you are busy, but it will help to curb your appetite and keep you healthy. Buy a reusable water bottle or container and fill it with water. Take it with you to work, to school, wherever you go so that you can sip it throughout the day. Water helps to cut the signal to your brain that you are hungry, when you really may just be thirsty. Drinking a glass of water between 15 – 30 minutes before meals will help you to eat less. I’ve timed it. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like eating after I wait by drinking water. It was just something my body needed and it wasn’t food.
Use these words and they should become a part of your daily life. I will give you more ideas of how to use them. I know it is not easy to lose weight. I started and failed lots of diets. I don’t do diets anymore. When you start to learn how to change your life, you will not think about these suggestions as a diet either. They are not. What I did was to change my habits. I will blog about it more.
Remember to consult your doctor before you start any exercise program or diet. I consulted my doctor and keep him updated on my progress. He gave me a high 5’s last time I saw him. I think he’s pretty proud of me. I know I am proud of me and like myself a lot more.