Today was another of those beautiful autumn days. It was sunny, in the mid forties with just a bit of wind. To some it may seem too cold, but for someone who likes to walk or run in cooler weather, it was a great day. I've been walking to the grocery store once or twice a week for months.
I starting walking more often to the grocery store for the exercise of walking. It gave me a predetermined destination and saved some time, instead of driving over later. I soon realized that I was able to carry more and more groceries on the walk home. In effect I had also added an additional type of weight bearing exercise, without planning to do so. As the weight of the groceries I was able to carry went up, so did the benefit of weight lifting. I walk and use my arms as if I am using dumbbells. I shift the bags from one arm to the other to mimic heavier weights. I can carry 30 pounds of groceries for more than half a mile without any problem. If I need something very heavy, I will still drive, but I can't remember the last time I drove to a grocery store!
I've gotten stronger, increased my stamina, become fitter and improved my health. My asthma has improved tremendously from walking, yoga, and Ujjayi Pranayama, a form of yogic breathing. It basically means the breath of life. Ujjayi is called the sounding breath, or ocean sounding breath. It's a strong full slow inhale in through the nose and a slow full exhale release out through the nose or mouth. I haven't had to use my inhaler for asthma symptoms, (except for right after my father died.)
Walking has helped to reverse my type II diabetes. I changed my eating habits along wiith exercise several times a week. The walking and carrying of the "weights" in combination with a mostly non-prcessed foods eating habit, also made a huge difference in the stabilization of my blood sugars. My fasting blood sugar is seldom over 100.
I walk to the post office to drop off mail or buy stamps. I walk to my allergists office, because it's so close to home. I partly chose to go to a new allergist because of the distance from my home. I went past the office for years, before I found out he was an allergist. The sign outside had worn away. When they replaced it, I was excited to see they were an allergist office. I kept it in back of my mind to check it out some day.
I had been having problems getting into my former doctor's office for an appointment for the last two years. When you have to get shots every few weeks and check ups four times a year, it gets troublesome to have problems getting appointments. The staff changed constantly and always had to look up my file. Because there is a constant turnover of staff, they tried to book me on the days I told them I had to work. They are open six days a week for Pete's sake. I had been a patient there more than 10 years. If the staff hadn't kept turning over, they would have known who I was when I told them my name. Even with patience and tolerance bellied by meditating and yogic breathing, I got tired of the negative attitude of one person in particular.
All of that helped me decide to take a risk. I "lucked out" by getting a very thorough and considerate new doctor and very nice staff. The person who was employed there the shortest amount of time, was there 14 years. I figured that they would probably know who was when I called.
Another benefit, that you may have thought of immediately; I am saving the environment from the toxic fumes of my car. I'm not using as much gas. So I reduced my carbon footprint and I save money. That makes me feel really good and very happy. I'm also saving wear on my car, so that will mean less repairs in the future. Have you read my previous post? I have a ten year old car. That's when they start to need more work. I plan to keep it a little longer, then buy a car that is more fuel efficent and cleaner for the environment. The drive to my former doctor took 20 minutes in light traffic. The walk takes me 5 minutes. It's basically a no brainer that I am saving time too!