I saw a butterfly yesterday. It was the first one of the season. It was kind of late in the month for the appearance of the first butterfly. Normally there would be a few butterflies around early in April, and then a lot more later in the month. But the weather must have been too cold, wet and gloomy for them this year. But it was great to finally see a butterfly, which to me represents warm, lazy days.
The butterfly looked like it was all white and was much larger than the white ones we usually get here. There's a picture of one the little ones on here somewhere... It wasn't a moth though, I thought it might be at first. I only noticed the butterfly from my window because it was so large. I saw something white fluttering around from the corner of my eye, when I was putting dishes away. That's my favorite part of washing dishes, putting them away clean.
At first I thought it was a piece of paper blowing in the wind, only there wasn't any wind; for a change I might add! Then I stopped what I was doing and looked out of the window. There was one of the biggest butterflies I've ever seen. I ran down the steps in my hallway and looked out. Then I got really excited when I saw it better. So now you're thinking that I must really lead a boring life, huh? No, actually it was exciting because it was quite large and all white. I do love butterflies, I'm sure you noticed that.
I ran to get my camera, which of course I couldn't remember where I left it last. But it was gone and I didn’t see it again. As quickly as it came, it was gone just as quickly. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and the camera nearby so I can run outside to take pictures if I see any white butterflies again. Or any butterfly at all for that matter. Then I will have another butterfly in my collection of nature pictures. I think maybe I should just start wearing the darn camera around my neck. Have camera will travel and take pictures. I should wear it to bed , so I can jump up and start taking pictures.
You see my yard is a veritable paradise for birds, insects and squirrels, except for the cats that visit. I mean it a paradise for the cats too, but not for the birds when the cats visit! Every day you can hear the birds tittering and singing away one moment and then you hear dead silence and wham, a series of squawks and alarm chirps from all of the birds. You wouldn't think that sparrows and chickadees could get that loud. We usually have about a hundred around the yard. Well it SEEMS like a hundred. Maybe it's more like 25 or 30.
I don't even have to check now, to see if a cat's in the yard. I KNOW when a cat is in the yard. Sometimes you can see a line up of birds on the telephone lines watching the cat and what sounds like them yelling at it to leave. The cats can't help but be drawn to my yard with all of those yummy little birdie morsels hanging around. If the birds are nesting they go a little crazy dive bombing the cat that dares to enter their territory. I'll often shoo it away. Those birds go nuts screaming at the cat to leave. It can get really loud.
If A skunk comes into the yard however, it's all birds for themselves. I'm not about to get sprayed by a ticked off skunk. Their presence usually precedes them! That's a smell that there's no getting used to is there?