Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


A Little Less Cold And Runny

Just thought I would update you, on the cold runny nose thing.  Well, I didn't need a face cloth for my nose today on my walk.  My husband said it was colder today than it was yesterday.  I beg to differ.  There was no biting wind and my thighs were relatively comfortable.   I was almost disappointed that my nose barely dribbled a few times.   It must be because the barometric pressure stabilized.  You didn’t think I knew that stuff did you?  Are you impressed?  Nah.   See the odd things you pick up when you do a little research.  

Apparently I talked about the barometric pressure one too many times a few of years ago.  Guess what I got for Christmas back then?  If you guessed a Barometer, then you won the big money.  That’ll teach me to talk much about something like that again.   Luckily for my husband it wasn’t the only thing I got that year!   His heart was in the right place and I learned a good lesson from that. 

Actually it comes in pretty handy.  I will never really admit it to him though.  It also shows the humidity and the temperature.  I hung it up on an obscure wall in the house, because I thought I would never use it.   I didn't want to return it and hurt his feelings. 

I do look at it at least 3 or more times a week.   But don’t let on to my better half.  I don’t want any other odd gifts like that.  I usually ask for something I can use or need.   That sort of thing isn’t the sort of thing I really have a need for.  I could think of a few other things I could really use.  Can you imagine asking someone for it?  “Hey honey, can you get me a Barometer for Christmas?”  I can't hear that conversation ever happening.  I mean ever...

As a gardener, I could come up with a laundry list of things I need and things that would be nice for the garden.  Like if I wanted to get something unique or interesting; I’d ask for a sundial for the backyard.  Now that would at least be cool.  Come to think of it, it would be fairly useful too.   I wouldn’t need to wear a watch.