This is a good quote to explain the essence of meditation.
"Never upset your mind with yes and no. Be quiet. You are awareness itself. Live in the happiness of your own nature, which is happiness itself."
Ashtavakra Gita
I am happy most of the time, even when I'm sick. I have a sinus infection, which is inevitable for me around this time of year. I am extremely allergic to mold. I just happen to work in a building with a big mold problem; so go figure I'll get sick. I wasn't knocked flat with the sinus infection this time though, as I have been in previous years. But I did have quite a bit of pain from the swelling. My energy level is about half of what it usually is, but that's not too bad. My blood sugar is staying stable because I can eat and I am eating mindfully. That's very important, to eat mindfully when you are ill.
I posted about how I slipped a bit in my vigilance with my diet in November and December. I haven't been taking my supplements or using my neti pot much either. My doctor said I would have gotten sick anyway, even if I did use them. He thinks that my healthy habits, like drinking green tea, exercising, meditation and a relatively good diet are making a big difference. I think so too. I usually get an infection right after Christmas, this time I held it off a bit longer. Stress helps to fight with your immune system, and I have a stressful job. I also work with chronically ill people, and they often get colds, flu or even pneumonia. I have to stay as healthy as possible.
I have no asthma problems at all, thank goodness. My doctor was surprised at that. Walking, meditation and yoga are controlling it. Practicing those things for the last 3 years have helped to strengthen my lung function. I always carry my inhaler, just in case, but I rarely have to use it. Tremendous stress or very strenuous exercise outside, may bring it on. So I always have to be aware of that. I hope to be 100% in a couple of days. I am trying to get enough sleep and rest to fight the infection off. I feel good enough to exercise, but know better than to do too much. Funny but I have to make myself just sit and relax. Today I feel good enough to go grocery shopping. In the old days I would have laid on the couch all day feeling sorry for myself.