Today a group of teenagers came in to the library to plan their senior prom. They came right to the computers and started searching for places to go to after prom. They weren't looking for hotels or motels to party in. I really liked that their plan wasn't all about drinking or sex. It was about having a great post prom experience.
I didn't mind that they were talking to each other. They tried to stay as quiet as 8 people could possibly be. They didn't bother me or the other patrons and they were trying not to be rude. I'm glad to see that parents are still teaching their children manners.
The Librarian did make them break it up after awhile because all 8 of them were looking at one computer. Apparently there's a rule I didn't see posted anywhere about how many people could be at one computer station. I understand that and agree there should be some kind of policy, but that's the first time anyone in this library tried to make someone be quiet. It seems pretty ironic to me.
As a regular reader, you know I've been coming here for days. In fact I switched libraries twice because it was so noisy in here. Talk about irony. At first I thought it was because they were teenagers. Then the same Librarian told someone else to turn off their phone. Where the heck was she all of the other days I was here?! Oh well of course go figure, this should be one of my last days working here, (I hope). Someone is coming to install my new connection tomorrow. Yeah and double yeah!
The teenagers told me they were looking for interesting places to go and do things outdoors. How refreshing, something simple and natural. They want to go somewhere to go hiking, camping and paddle in canoes. Boy does that take me back, we used to go camping all of the time.
Back then, when we camped all of the time we were all younger and able bodied! Not so much now. Yes, I was a camper. But we weren't exactly your average campers. One of our friends brought lobster camping... to cook! We teased her about forgetting to bring the table cloth and candelabra, but you know what? It was really good.
Back then we were all about the food. We spent lots of time around camp preparing and cleaning up after eating. It often looked like we were having a feast. We used to call ourselves "gourmet campers". It was lots of fun and we did other stuff too, like fishing, tubing in the river and hiking. But I remember the food best. We really packed a lot food. We ate better camping out, then we did every other day at home.
That was all before I knew better about the carcinogens in smoked and grilled foods. But that's mostly what we ate. Heck, we even grilled whole turkeys sometimes! Ah, those were the days. I could eat anything and everything, still not gain weight and not have to worry about whether or not it might give me a heart attack. But then you know the rest of that story!