Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Signs of Spring!

I found those signs of Spring I was looking for today!  I didn't need a magnifying glass either!  That's the beauty of nature's own clock, it sets a timer and goes off at about the same time every year.   Even when it snows.  I can't believe that there were snow flakes falling few minutes ago.   They were melting but geez, enough already!   Not hating winter, not hating winter, not hating winter; Spring is Sprung(ing)!  It will be here in a couple of weeks!

A sign of a tulip here, a Hyacinth there and a daylily sprouting up under the eaves of the house.  Ah, Spring glorious Spring is sprung!  I can wait for the millions of little sprouts to start popping out of the soil and greeting the world.  There's nothing like the newness of Spring after a cold and very snowy winter.