May the New Year bring you much love, luck and Joy! Make a resolution to make time for you and to take better care of yourself. I am sending out many blessings of happiness to you all.
I blog about a variety of things both silly and serious; issues, health, meditation, movies and other things as I go treading my way through life. Photography and writing presented are protected © Copyright 2010-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven
Affirmation Meditation For The New Year
I saw this quote and thought it is a very good one to reflect on in a meditation;
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love... " Marcus Aurelius
What an excellent thought to live by. Use a part of this as an affirmation as the new year gets nearer and in the first days of the year. Chant on it, or simply reflect on it as the New Year approaches. I am giving you a simpler version to use in your own meditation. Close your eyes and say it over and over several times, softly out loud, or in your mind. Then take a deep cleansing breath and slowly let it out. Relax your body and think the word 'joy' until it drifts from your mind into stillness.
I find joy in being alive. To love, to think, to breathe, to be.
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love... " Marcus Aurelius
What an excellent thought to live by. Use a part of this as an affirmation as the new year gets nearer and in the first days of the year. Chant on it, or simply reflect on it as the New Year approaches. I am giving you a simpler version to use in your own meditation. Close your eyes and say it over and over several times, softly out loud, or in your mind. Then take a deep cleansing breath and slowly let it out. Relax your body and think the word 'joy' until it drifts from your mind into stillness.
I find joy in being alive. To love, to think, to breathe, to be.
Find Joy With A Simple Meditation
Find joy, meaning and beauty in your life and in your work through the practice of meditation.
Sit in a meditative pose on the floor or in a chair and try to visualize an object that pleases you.
- Pick a concrete object – no abstract objects
- Make the object very simple
- Pick something enjoyable or meaningful
- Stay away from objects or symbols that will irritate you
- Don’t use symbols or objects that may make you think of family problems or emotions (positive or negative). You especially don’t want negative thoughts.
To enhance your meditation, try to find joy and interest in the things in your life. Find a comfortable place to meditate. Sit on a wool blanket, which is only used for meditation. Focus at root of your nose, with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths and chant Aum softly out loud, about 3 to 7 times until your breath runs out. (Ooooooommmmm).
Remember to bring your concentration back to your object if your concentration drifts. Always bring your mind gently back to your object of concentration.
During meditation;
Keep the room you are in quiet; but not too dark, so that you can’t see, or too bright that it interrupts your meditation. Make sure there are no smells or odors that will distract your mind. Make sure the room doesn’t have a draft or is too hot. Try to meditate on an empty stomach or only eat a light meal some time before meditation. You don't want to feel uncomfortable. Or notice your digestion!
Sit in meditation for a short time period, like about 20 minutes. Set a timer to go off when you would like to stop meditating. If you are just beginning to meditate, start with a few minutes at a time and then build up the time, each time you meditate. Tell yourself to stop meditation when you get bored or your mind gets tired. Eventually you will go past boredom and into Dharana and beyond. That takes time and lots of practice. Keep a pen and paper nearby to write notes after meditation about what came up during your meditation that disturbed you. You may find it very helpful and revealing.
More Compassion For Our Animals
In my e-mail today, there was a message one from our alderman. He keeps people informed and passes on messages. He forwards community news, events and requests from people in our town. His e-mail today had a plea to foster a dog.
If you may recall, I fostered Miracle and later adopted her, when her owner never claimed her. She has been with us for more than a year. She is a source of joy. Miracle is a very sweet, tame and gentle bird. She spends most of her time with me when out of her cage. She was very easy to train. She has become my little companion and is becoming very affectionate. She calls to me when she hears me come in the door. I couldn’t be more blessed by this lovely little creature if I chose her myself. So the message about this poor dog touched me deeply. Here is a synopsis of the plea for help;
"The shelter has run out of foster homes and they need your help. He has been at the shelter about 2 months. He was brought in as give-up, because his owners moved. He needs surgery to correct a congenital defect. The surgery is fairly easy, but the recovery is hard. He will require a lot of rest and quiet. Obviously the shelter is not the ideal place. It will take 6-8 weeks for him to recover. He should be the only dog in your house. He is neutered, 2 or 3 years old, strong and weighs about 80 pounds. They are looking for someone with experience with this type of dog. The shelter will pay his medical bills and also provide supplies and food. They only ask that you can get him to vet for appointments."
Well that plea certainly made me want to help him. Maybe the owners did move; maybe he was too much to handle; or maybe they couldn’t afford the medical bills. A lot of animals are given up because of the economy or people just don’t know how to handle the animals. Lots of people give pets away they just don’t want. Unfortunately that’s a sad fact of life. That is why there are so many pets in shelters, especially in hard times.
So I thought I would inquire about the dog. Maybe I could foster hm. I went to the shelter and asked about him. They told me I was probably not the best person to foster him. I didn’t have experience with a dog like him. They said they received some calls inquiring about the dog and were hopeful they may have found someone capable of fostering him.
I told them I wanted to do something to help, so I gave a donation for several months of his care. They thanked me profusely for my interest and donation. A caring soul that volunteered there asked if I would like to meet him. I was very happy to.
You can only imagine the shock and anger I felt when I recognized the dog. I rarely get that angry. I tried as best as I could to hide my reaction from the workers. This was my neighbor’s dog. They had adopted him this spring. When they got him, they walked up and down the block showing him to neighbors. They did this several days the first week they brought him home. They had the dogs at each house come out and meet each other. I remember thinking that was a little odd, but kind of cool.
I got to meet him. I couldn’t get over how cute and friendly he was. He seemed to be fairly well behaved and was good on a leash. He seemed like the perfect dog for kids. I didn’t think about it again, until one day when one of the neighbors got a second rescue dog and was playing with him in his driveway. I was doing yard work. The other neighbor came out and looked over at the neighbor playing with the dog. He didn’t say hello to him and turned around and just went back inside. That was odd, they were friends. But it makes sense now. I hadn’t seen that dog for a long time. I realized hadn’t seen the dog at all for months. Now I knew why. They had given the dog to a shelter and lied that they were moving. Now tell me what kind of people do that?
The dog has unique markings and a very friendly attitude. So I knew in my gut that it was the same dog. They had another dog about 3 years ago, and it just disappeared too. I know some of you are thinking I should give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I should, but I know that dog. I recognized the coloring, behavior and its markings. I know it is the same dog. I didn’t say anything to the workers. What would be the point? I didn’t or wouldn’t ask about the owners, because that information is confidential and I didn’t want confirmation. They would never tell me anyway, and do I really want to know? Not really.
How utterly reprehensible and extremely selfish to dump a pet; a family member like that. Would they dump their children? I don't think so. So you know why I got so angry; and I prayed to forgive them. I rarely have that kind of intense anger. I will have to meditate quite a bit to get past this. I am trying to understand and forgive. Thank goodness that dog is in a good place with people who care.
The people who owned him haven’t moved and they haven’t lost their jobs. They make very good money. They own expensive cars, finished remodeling their house and brag about the top of the line appliances they bought. But ask some people to take care of a dog with a congenital defect; and oh what the heck, why not just dump him at a shelter? So now you may be able to understand my reaction. I need to go and practice more loving kindness. I am working on that everyday.
Added noted: Practice compassion for all living things, human, animals, etc. I will be keeping track of the dog and hope to report good news soon.
Time To Plan For Next Year's Garden
I always know that it's officially winter when I get my first garden catalogs! Today I got a plant catalog and the other day a seed catalog. To be quite honest, I have been recycling most of them. I haven't ordered from as many as in the past few years, or online. I usually order from two or three regularly. I do look at the others, but have whittled them down to a few of the best. When it comes to plant quality, you can't go too cheap. You know the phrase, "buyer beware." I also try to buy as locally as possible, so the plants will do well in our area.
If you buy cheap, you get cheap; and cheap usually dies. I have several garden centers I like to visit throughout the year. I go to two of them several times a year. Sometimes, I just walk around looking for inspiration. I just like being around the plants. But I normally go to the garden centers with plants and a plan in mind. If I don't, I will spend too much money.
When you like to garden, you are always on the lookout for something to add to your garden or to replace something that died. This year I bought fewer plants than in the past 10 years. This is my eleventh year gardening here. I didn't 'need' to buy much. I mostly just filled out my pots and hanging baskets.
I have quite a few pots that get dragged back into the house or garage for the winter. Many plants will come back in pots if you protect them from the cold. It saves money and keeps your favorites coming back. I keep a few under the deck and wrap them in plastic and keep the bases off the cement. Otherwise, the cement conducts the cold into the pot base.
The last couple of years I bought several smaller evergreens to keep outside all year. I prefer to buy plants that are zone 3 or 4 in case we have a bitterly cold winter. They will survive the cold winds up on our deck, which is raised about 8 feet off the ground. The higher the site, the colder the wind. They aren't as protected by the other houses and trees.
I put them close to the sliding glass doors for protection and warmth from the house. The doors reflect the sun during the day. The surrounding brick holds some warmth. I can open the door and water them when it stays dry for more than a week. That will help them live. I also scoop up snow and pat in around the base of the plant. If it warms up a bit, the snow melts and the plants get a drink.
A blanket of snow helps to insulate plants. So I don't dislike snow as much as I did 10 years ago. I understand its purpose better. I get better plant growth when it snows a lot throughout the winter and stays on the ground for a long time. Also if you water late in the season, that really helps them too. My grass greens up faster than my neighbors because I use organic fertilizer during the growing season. It helps the grass and plants become stronger and have healthier roots.
After living here about 10 years the garden is more mature and has put out its major growth. The trees and shrubs may get a bit bigger and wider. The "bones" of the garden are now in place. Some plants I divide and put in new spots. That helped to fill up areas. I'm at the point that if I make a lot of divisions, I can give plants to friends and family. They love snapping up the free plants. My plants are very healthy and do well, so they get a bargain! I also experiment with cuttings and seeds. I get some surprises from self seeders that float into the yard or from my own self seeders. I have eliminated the invasive ones as much as possible. There are always a few that show up.
My garden is very stable now and fairly close to what I want it to be. Of course as a gardener, I am never really done and I might change my mind; several times. There is always a plant that can be added or a bed that can be changed. We gardeners just love to fill up space with a new find or divisions of old friends. So the catalogs help me plan, even if I don't order from them. They give me ideas and visions of possibilities.
If you buy cheap, you get cheap; and cheap usually dies. I have several garden centers I like to visit throughout the year. I go to two of them several times a year. Sometimes, I just walk around looking for inspiration. I just like being around the plants. But I normally go to the garden centers with plants and a plan in mind. If I don't, I will spend too much money.
When you like to garden, you are always on the lookout for something to add to your garden or to replace something that died. This year I bought fewer plants than in the past 10 years. This is my eleventh year gardening here. I didn't 'need' to buy much. I mostly just filled out my pots and hanging baskets.
I have quite a few pots that get dragged back into the house or garage for the winter. Many plants will come back in pots if you protect them from the cold. It saves money and keeps your favorites coming back. I keep a few under the deck and wrap them in plastic and keep the bases off the cement. Otherwise, the cement conducts the cold into the pot base.
The last couple of years I bought several smaller evergreens to keep outside all year. I prefer to buy plants that are zone 3 or 4 in case we have a bitterly cold winter. They will survive the cold winds up on our deck, which is raised about 8 feet off the ground. The higher the site, the colder the wind. They aren't as protected by the other houses and trees.
I put them close to the sliding glass doors for protection and warmth from the house. The doors reflect the sun during the day. The surrounding brick holds some warmth. I can open the door and water them when it stays dry for more than a week. That will help them live. I also scoop up snow and pat in around the base of the plant. If it warms up a bit, the snow melts and the plants get a drink.
A blanket of snow helps to insulate plants. So I don't dislike snow as much as I did 10 years ago. I understand its purpose better. I get better plant growth when it snows a lot throughout the winter and stays on the ground for a long time. Also if you water late in the season, that really helps them too. My grass greens up faster than my neighbors because I use organic fertilizer during the growing season. It helps the grass and plants become stronger and have healthier roots.
After living here about 10 years the garden is more mature and has put out its major growth. The trees and shrubs may get a bit bigger and wider. The "bones" of the garden are now in place. Some plants I divide and put in new spots. That helped to fill up areas. I'm at the point that if I make a lot of divisions, I can give plants to friends and family. They love snapping up the free plants. My plants are very healthy and do well, so they get a bargain! I also experiment with cuttings and seeds. I get some surprises from self seeders that float into the yard or from my own self seeders. I have eliminated the invasive ones as much as possible. There are always a few that show up.
My garden is very stable now and fairly close to what I want it to be. Of course as a gardener, I am never really done and I might change my mind; several times. There is always a plant that can be added or a bed that can be changed. We gardeners just love to fill up space with a new find or divisions of old friends. So the catalogs help me plan, even if I don't order from them. They give me ideas and visions of possibilities.
Christmas Is Come And Gone
I hope your holiday has been peaceful and happy. My holiday was relatively quiet and more relaxed than I expected it to be. I am a little bit tired, but mostly recovered from the last two weeks. I bounced back much quicker than I usually do. I have been being a bit more careful of how I am eating this week. I am more or less back on track with healthy eating. I have not been eating as much of the holiday treats as I was last week.
I want to continue to stay healthy and keep my diabetes under tight control. Remember, I said that it is something you have to stay vigilant about. Forgive yourself when you slip up and start again. I made sure I ate my veggies and protein everyday. Now I will be back on track with eating and exercise. I took a walk today. I haven’t walked since last Sunday. That’s not too bad. For me not to walk for a week though is a long time. I walk unless the weather is really cold or bad, or I have been really sick. I’ve been known to walk in a downpour. But I have to get back on schedule with my 3 to 4 walks a week and riding my exercise.
Yesterday we had my mother over for Christmas Day. My brother spent the day with his wife's family. This was the first Christmas ever, which I haven’t, spent with my father and my brother. I talked to my brother on the phone. Although that's not quite the same, at I could at least speak to him. Without my father, it didn't really feel as much like Christmas. But I went about the day cleaning and preparing the meal very calmly. Everything was done on time and it all went so smoothly. I don’t really like to cook, so I liked this new peaceful and calm me.
Thanks to practicing meditation, I didn't become tearful or sad and my emotions were in check all day. I put together a lovely meal and the day was serene and pleasant. I am grateful for the lessons learned about grieving and how meditation affects emotions. I had thought I might have a bad day. In fact I was dreading Christmas coming this year. Instead it was a nice day and we talked about my father and fondly remembered him.
I still have vivid memories of our last Christmas. It was spent at the hospital. It was special because he was awake and happy. My focus was on him while we were there. He was in good spirits that day despite all that was going on with him. The staff was made up of such nice people, and many felt almost like family by Christmas. I saw them more than everyone else, except my husband. My father had a lot of favorite people there. They came in to talk to him even when they didn’t have him as a patient. It helped him get through the day and so many illnesses. Today, I can remember them and that time fondly.
I want to continue to stay healthy and keep my diabetes under tight control. Remember, I said that it is something you have to stay vigilant about. Forgive yourself when you slip up and start again. I made sure I ate my veggies and protein everyday. Now I will be back on track with eating and exercise. I took a walk today. I haven’t walked since last Sunday. That’s not too bad. For me not to walk for a week though is a long time. I walk unless the weather is really cold or bad, or I have been really sick. I’ve been known to walk in a downpour. But I have to get back on schedule with my 3 to 4 walks a week and riding my exercise.
Yesterday we had my mother over for Christmas Day. My brother spent the day with his wife's family. This was the first Christmas ever, which I haven’t, spent with my father and my brother. I talked to my brother on the phone. Although that's not quite the same, at I could at least speak to him. Without my father, it didn't really feel as much like Christmas. But I went about the day cleaning and preparing the meal very calmly. Everything was done on time and it all went so smoothly. I don’t really like to cook, so I liked this new peaceful and calm me.
Thanks to practicing meditation, I didn't become tearful or sad and my emotions were in check all day. I put together a lovely meal and the day was serene and pleasant. I am grateful for the lessons learned about grieving and how meditation affects emotions. I had thought I might have a bad day. In fact I was dreading Christmas coming this year. Instead it was a nice day and we talked about my father and fondly remembered him.
I still have vivid memories of our last Christmas. It was spent at the hospital. It was special because he was awake and happy. My focus was on him while we were there. He was in good spirits that day despite all that was going on with him. The staff was made up of such nice people, and many felt almost like family by Christmas. I saw them more than everyone else, except my husband. My father had a lot of favorite people there. They came in to talk to him even when they didn’t have him as a patient. It helped him get through the day and so many illnesses. Today, I can remember them and that time fondly.
Hoarding Behavior
I just watched a couple of episodes of the reality series "Hoarders'. It is very evident from this program that this is such a debilitating condition. They are addicted to collecting "stuff". The people on the show have extreme hoarding conditions. I was aware of hoarding as a big problem, but this program really does show how this condition destroys their life. I felt such a sense of sadness for them as I watched. For some their "stuff" truly is their entire life. Some of the people had food and other hoarding issues as well, which caused extremely unsafe living conditions. There are so many other underlying conditions and problems that they also had, which compounded the hoarding.
Although the program is interesting, I don't think I can continue to watch this show and think of it as entertainment. It was depressing. One person's episode was heartbreaking. However, I think the show is a great educational tool about mental illness and extreme compulsions. The program is doing a service in that respect.
Anyone who thinks they are extremely messy or a hoarder; or if you know someone who is; really needs to watch this program. There was spoiled, moldy food, bugs, feces, and dead animals. Viewers will either be very appalled by it, compelled to clean or relate to the problem. I felt so sad for the hoarders and their loved ones. If you are appalled by the program or want to start cleaning; it probably is a good indication that you don't have this condition. There is a huge difference between clutter and hoarding. If you have this problem or think you know someone that does, please seek out a mental health professional.
Although the program is interesting, I don't think I can continue to watch this show and think of it as entertainment. It was depressing. One person's episode was heartbreaking. However, I think the show is a great educational tool about mental illness and extreme compulsions. The program is doing a service in that respect.
Anyone who thinks they are extremely messy or a hoarder; or if you know someone who is; really needs to watch this program. There was spoiled, moldy food, bugs, feces, and dead animals. Viewers will either be very appalled by it, compelled to clean or relate to the problem. I felt so sad for the hoarders and their loved ones. If you are appalled by the program or want to start cleaning; it probably is a good indication that you don't have this condition. There is a huge difference between clutter and hoarding. If you have this problem or think you know someone that does, please seek out a mental health professional.
When a Garden Fairy is More than a Face
I really like this garden fairy, so I am doing another post on it. I took this picture the other day and really looked at it's expression. I swear I saw something new this time. I am keeping it in the house over the winter, tucked into a plant, so that is doesn't crack in the cold weather. The fairy is made of a plaster and sand mix. It might not crack, but I prefer not to take a chance. I attached it to an iron staff, so that it sits about two and a half feet off the ground, when it is in the yard. I found it in a garden shop that closed in 2008, due to the economy. It was one of my favorite places for garden supplies and ornaments. I have never seen another one similar to it anywhere else.
I like that it appears to have a lot of character. It has an interesting expression, doesn't it? It actually appears to change with the angles of the pictures I take of it. The eyes are very hooded, which gives it a look as if it is keeping a secret, or of knowing something only it sees and knows. I get that impression also because the eyes look off to the left, away from the viewer. It has a slightly sly, knowing smile. So it isn't a happy, smiling or innocent fairy face, but that of a wise woodland nymph. It isn't a malevolent expression either though, because the lips and eyes are slightly turned up at the corners which convey a sense of humor. The artist has given it a delightfully wicked, whimsical quality.
I like to use things that have depth and interest to them. It makes one want to see and know more. You have probably guessed that I often like to make the viewer think about the images I post. To me, a flower isn't just a flower. It is the continuation of life.
Rest and Relax to Prepare for the Busy Holidays
With the holiday season here and Christmas in a few days, please take the time to care of yourself.
Practice your meditation every morning to calm and center yourself. Even if it is just for a couple of minutes, it will help to start your day on a more positive note. Set a timer for the time you would like to meditate. Sit on your mat or in a chair. Make yourself comfortable. Rest your hands in your lap, or use a mudra; like om. Take a deep cleansing breath and then slowly exhale. Do that several times. Close your eyes and clear your mind of negative thoughts. If you need to, think of something beautiful to focus on.
Please try to get plenty of sleep. Get to bed at a reasonable time. Don't rush about your day. Don't make the holidays about having to do everything, let something go. Take time to sit and relax with a soothing cup of tea or decaf coffee. Recharge, but don't overcharge. Take a warm bath or shower to relax your sore muscles and give yourself a time out. Eat healthy and take your vitamins. Exercise if you can make yourself find the time. I always used to get sick at, or right after the holidays. Women especially, always try to do too much. You really can't be all things for all people. Let it go. Only do what you can at the moment. Do one thing at a time and you will do that one thing better.
Remember to wash your hands several times a day to keep germs at bay. And for heaven's sake, don't let stress take over your life. You have more control than you realize, if you just pay attention. Stop and ask yourself; "Do I really need to do that right now?"
Hug your friends and kiss your family; or vise versa! Just remember to take care of you, or you won't be able to take care of anyone else.
Practice your meditation every morning to calm and center yourself. Even if it is just for a couple of minutes, it will help to start your day on a more positive note. Set a timer for the time you would like to meditate. Sit on your mat or in a chair. Make yourself comfortable. Rest your hands in your lap, or use a mudra; like om. Take a deep cleansing breath and then slowly exhale. Do that several times. Close your eyes and clear your mind of negative thoughts. If you need to, think of something beautiful to focus on.
Please try to get plenty of sleep. Get to bed at a reasonable time. Don't rush about your day. Don't make the holidays about having to do everything, let something go. Take time to sit and relax with a soothing cup of tea or decaf coffee. Recharge, but don't overcharge. Take a warm bath or shower to relax your sore muscles and give yourself a time out. Eat healthy and take your vitamins. Exercise if you can make yourself find the time. I always used to get sick at, or right after the holidays. Women especially, always try to do too much. You really can't be all things for all people. Let it go. Only do what you can at the moment. Do one thing at a time and you will do that one thing better.
Remember to wash your hands several times a day to keep germs at bay. And for heaven's sake, don't let stress take over your life. You have more control than you realize, if you just pay attention. Stop and ask yourself; "Do I really need to do that right now?"
Hug your friends and kiss your family; or vise versa! Just remember to take care of you, or you won't be able to take care of anyone else.
Make Today A Thank You Day
I would like everyone to start being more aware of saying "thank you". In this fast paced world it's one of the phrases that we don't hear as often as we should. It's a polite phrase, but it's also a friendly, 'I like you'. This is the time of year when people are so busy and stressed, that they forget to thank people who help them with simple things. So I would like to declare today as 'Thank You Day'.
So the next person who holds a door for you or gives you a complement; just say "thank you" with a smile. I really think we don't say it enough. It's a little thing that people don't think much about. But I thought about it a lot yesterday, because a lot of people thanked me for the meals we passed out last week at the parties. It made me feel good; really good. The more I heard it, the better I felt. I was having a rather typical, rough day at work. So as the 'thank yous' started to stack up; the better I felt and the happier I became. By the time I was ready to go home for the day, I was in a great mood. Even the weather didn't bug me. I drove home in a more mellow mood.
So I thought I would pass the 'thank you' feeling on to all of you. Thank you for clicking on this blog. Thank you for reading my posts and enjoying them and the pictures. I am doing this for all of you and for myself; because the 'thank yous' make it worth continuing to do this blog!
Just watch the reactions you get when you say "thank you" with a smile to someone. Make sure they do something nice though first, or they'll think you are a little crazy! You will get a lot of genuine smiles in return too. You know the kind of smiles that say more than words; where their eyes crinkle up at the corners and there is a little sparkle in their eyes. That's the kind of reaction I am looking for! It's the kind of reaction that is infectious. It's the kind of reaction that they can keep with them for the rest of the day. But remember, just say it like you MEAN it!
What if we could start a 'thank you' chain that went around the world and back to us? Wouldn't that be great? Can you picture it? A line of people saying "thank you" and smiling at each other. How cool would that be? The world would be a better, friendlier place wouldn't it?
Thank you!
So the next person who holds a door for you or gives you a complement; just say "thank you" with a smile. I really think we don't say it enough. It's a little thing that people don't think much about. But I thought about it a lot yesterday, because a lot of people thanked me for the meals we passed out last week at the parties. It made me feel good; really good. The more I heard it, the better I felt. I was having a rather typical, rough day at work. So as the 'thank yous' started to stack up; the better I felt and the happier I became. By the time I was ready to go home for the day, I was in a great mood. Even the weather didn't bug me. I drove home in a more mellow mood.
So I thought I would pass the 'thank you' feeling on to all of you. Thank you for clicking on this blog. Thank you for reading my posts and enjoying them and the pictures. I am doing this for all of you and for myself; because the 'thank yous' make it worth continuing to do this blog!
Just watch the reactions you get when you say "thank you" with a smile to someone. Make sure they do something nice though first, or they'll think you are a little crazy! You will get a lot of genuine smiles in return too. You know the kind of smiles that say more than words; where their eyes crinkle up at the corners and there is a little sparkle in their eyes. That's the kind of reaction I am looking for! It's the kind of reaction that is infectious. It's the kind of reaction that they can keep with them for the rest of the day. But remember, just say it like you MEAN it!
What if we could start a 'thank you' chain that went around the world and back to us? Wouldn't that be great? Can you picture it? A line of people saying "thank you" and smiling at each other. How cool would that be? The world would be a better, friendlier place wouldn't it?
Thank you!
Sunlight and Miracle
I took this picture of Miracle watching the birds outside, just as she turned to see what I was doing. I realized that it would be an interesting shot, when I saw her sitting there. I like the silhouette created by the sun shinning in. I like the way the sun lit the leaves from within. It gives the picture a special quality. You can just make out Miracle's muted face. It feels as if the day was warm and inviting. Actually it was in the 30's that day.
I saw the image and I tried to capture it's essence. This picture is very striking because of the lit up leaves. Yet it also makes the viewer want to learn more about the environment or story behind it. Miracle likes to sit on the chair and look outside and watch the birds. She's getting used to having her picture taken and is no longer afraid of the camera.
Contacts or Glasses; Go Functional Or Vanity?
I picked up my new glasses yesterday afternoon. I'm not as worried about how fashionable or trendy they are anymore. The frames have become so costly, that I would rather not spend the extra money. In a previous post, I wrote about things and how they balance out in the end. I blogged that I paid $10 for the frames. Actually they are not at all ugly. I am happy with them, especially for $10! One frame I looked at was $350! I don't want to pay $350 or $150! I will probably have to get new ones next year anyway. They never seem to last very long or they can't fit them with new lenses because they are discontinued the next year. I say for $10, I look fabulous in these glasses!
I don't go to those one hour places because I've had a lot of trouble with their frames. The lenses always come out and it gets frustrating. One time I super glued the lens back in. It worked, but I had a tiny smear of glue stuck to the lens for the rest of the year. I couldn't get it off and it drove me crazy, until I finally got used to it.
Since I found my Optometrist quite a few years ago; I have always purchased my glasses there too. I get really good care and follow up there and he is very good at his job. What originally sold me on him was his easy style and very detailed exams. I moved a distance away, but the drive is worth it.
I've been wearing glasses since I gave up the vanity of wearing contacts in my thirties. Actually, it just got too hard to wear them! When I first got contacts, the doctor's assistant told me that I was born to wear them. I just popped them in with absolutely no trouble the very first time I put them on. I thought, "Wow these are great!"
Contacts weren't the same as wearing glasses. They didn't 'spoil' your face. I was so happy to get them. I looked good because I wasn't walking around squinting all of the time trying to see! I should have known that putting them in so easily the first time, would be one of the last times they would be so easy.
I first realized that I needed glasses when I was 19. Of course I didn't want to admit I needed them. I would go to classes and if I needed to read what was on the board; I had to squint really hard to see. I had one professor who wrote so small on the board, that I was forced to sit in the first row. In some classes, if you sat in the first row you had to be able to answer questions and pay close attention. The professor could see if you were taking notes or not. Of course, his class was one of those classes. The kiss of death for me. If I wasn't particularly interested in the subject, I would take some notes, doodle and generally not pay too much attention. I was a good student, I just got bored easily. Hey, maybe I had Attention Deficit Disorder and didn't even know it. I kind of write my blog with ADD too. See how I digressed and went off track again? I could be right!
Anyway getting back on track; I began to have more trouble driving too. I would drive at night trying to figure out what the signs ahead said. Good thing all stop signs were the same shape, stop lights were red and I was not color blind! I knew I needed glasses. Oh, I got them alright. They were those over sized things that were popular at the time. I had a small face and they swallowed it up. So you know it, I didn't wear them most of the time. Well, that only made my vision become worse. So I finally decided to get contacts.
The prospect of contacts was scary at first. I was afraid of getting them, because I didn't want to stick them in my eyes. I thought they would hurt all of the time. But like I said earlier, I popped them in as if I were born wearing them. Later on I developed an astigmatism the optometrist said was from looking at a computer. After all of these years it still isn't any better and I'm on the computer more!
After several years I couldn't wear the soft lenses anymore and the hard ones were beginning to hurt. The shape of my eyes had changed. I got these great new contacts that were gas permeable. If you had them you know that they were hard edged, but soft and breathable in the middle. I loved them, they didn't love me.
A standing joke with my husband and friends became that I had l "lost" my eyes again. Everyone had to stop what they were doing and not move. I would yell "freeze where you are. I lost a contact!!"
Then we had to get on our hands and knees and search for them; a lot. They popped out of one of my eyes constantly! So I got the brilliant idea to get the colored ones. They didn't change your eye color back then; they were colored so you could find them. The thinking was when you lost them; you could easily find them again because the color would show up on the floor. So I got them in green. I lost them at home a lot; I could easily find them on my kitchen or bathroom floors. Or at least that was the plan.
I went to visit my best friend, who lived in a small town in Maine. I used to visit her a lot when she lived there. We went sight seeing whenever I was there. We were in beautiful Kennebunkport and I was standing in a field shooting picture after picture. At one point I couldn't figure out why my camera lens wasn't focusing. Well you can guess the rest and where this is going. Out popped my right contact, while I was taking a picture. In the middle of a field of green grass!
We looked for it for all of two minutes before we gave up! I was never going to find a green contact in a field of green grass. I called the insurance on them later that day. It was a good thing I had purchased the insurance. I asked them to Federal Express another contact to me the next day. I had to pay the extra shipping, but at least I could see for the rest of the visit! Of course I didn't bring my glasses with me, because I didn't have any to bring! I had been too vain to buy a pair. I wasn't planning to wear them. I had to finish shooting pictures that day with one eye closed. It was a good thing I wasn't the one driving, or we would have been in trouble!
I don't go to those one hour places because I've had a lot of trouble with their frames. The lenses always come out and it gets frustrating. One time I super glued the lens back in. It worked, but I had a tiny smear of glue stuck to the lens for the rest of the year. I couldn't get it off and it drove me crazy, until I finally got used to it.
Since I found my Optometrist quite a few years ago; I have always purchased my glasses there too. I get really good care and follow up there and he is very good at his job. What originally sold me on him was his easy style and very detailed exams. I moved a distance away, but the drive is worth it.
I've been wearing glasses since I gave up the vanity of wearing contacts in my thirties. Actually, it just got too hard to wear them! When I first got contacts, the doctor's assistant told me that I was born to wear them. I just popped them in with absolutely no trouble the very first time I put them on. I thought, "Wow these are great!"
Contacts weren't the same as wearing glasses. They didn't 'spoil' your face. I was so happy to get them. I looked good because I wasn't walking around squinting all of the time trying to see! I should have known that putting them in so easily the first time, would be one of the last times they would be so easy.
I first realized that I needed glasses when I was 19. Of course I didn't want to admit I needed them. I would go to classes and if I needed to read what was on the board; I had to squint really hard to see. I had one professor who wrote so small on the board, that I was forced to sit in the first row. In some classes, if you sat in the first row you had to be able to answer questions and pay close attention. The professor could see if you were taking notes or not. Of course, his class was one of those classes. The kiss of death for me. If I wasn't particularly interested in the subject, I would take some notes, doodle and generally not pay too much attention. I was a good student, I just got bored easily. Hey, maybe I had Attention Deficit Disorder and didn't even know it. I kind of write my blog with ADD too. See how I digressed and went off track again? I could be right!
Anyway getting back on track; I began to have more trouble driving too. I would drive at night trying to figure out what the signs ahead said. Good thing all stop signs were the same shape, stop lights were red and I was not color blind! I knew I needed glasses. Oh, I got them alright. They were those over sized things that were popular at the time. I had a small face and they swallowed it up. So you know it, I didn't wear them most of the time. Well, that only made my vision become worse. So I finally decided to get contacts.
The prospect of contacts was scary at first. I was afraid of getting them, because I didn't want to stick them in my eyes. I thought they would hurt all of the time. But like I said earlier, I popped them in as if I were born wearing them. Later on I developed an astigmatism the optometrist said was from looking at a computer. After all of these years it still isn't any better and I'm on the computer more!
After several years I couldn't wear the soft lenses anymore and the hard ones were beginning to hurt. The shape of my eyes had changed. I got these great new contacts that were gas permeable. If you had them you know that they were hard edged, but soft and breathable in the middle. I loved them, they didn't love me.
A standing joke with my husband and friends became that I had l "lost" my eyes again. Everyone had to stop what they were doing and not move. I would yell "freeze where you are. I lost a contact!!"
Then we had to get on our hands and knees and search for them; a lot. They popped out of one of my eyes constantly! So I got the brilliant idea to get the colored ones. They didn't change your eye color back then; they were colored so you could find them. The thinking was when you lost them; you could easily find them again because the color would show up on the floor. So I got them in green. I lost them at home a lot; I could easily find them on my kitchen or bathroom floors. Or at least that was the plan.
I went to visit my best friend, who lived in a small town in Maine. I used to visit her a lot when she lived there. We went sight seeing whenever I was there. We were in beautiful Kennebunkport and I was standing in a field shooting picture after picture. At one point I couldn't figure out why my camera lens wasn't focusing. Well you can guess the rest and where this is going. Out popped my right contact, while I was taking a picture. In the middle of a field of green grass!
We looked for it for all of two minutes before we gave up! I was never going to find a green contact in a field of green grass. I called the insurance on them later that day. It was a good thing I had purchased the insurance. I asked them to Federal Express another contact to me the next day. I had to pay the extra shipping, but at least I could see for the rest of the visit! Of course I didn't bring my glasses with me, because I didn't have any to bring! I had been too vain to buy a pair. I wasn't planning to wear them. I had to finish shooting pictures that day with one eye closed. It was a good thing I wasn't the one driving, or we would have been in trouble!
I'm Tired and It's Not Even Real Christmas Yet!
It doesn't begin to feel like the holidays to me until the Christmas tree goes up in the lobby at work, it's decorated and we start the patient parties. I pop in a Christmas CD on my disc player and it's officially Christmas.
Just like every year at about this time I am wiped out. The parties for the patients are over and done with for this year. Our office party is over. As far as I 'm concerned, at this moment so is my most important Christmas. I'm not wiped out from shopping till I drop for Christmas gifts though. I've never done that. I am one of those people other people hate, who shops early and picks things up during the year. It's not because I am super organized. It's because I really don't like to shop at the mall and fight crowds of people. I just don't get the madness of the holiday shopping season and Black Friday here in the states. (You may recall that I previously blogged about cutting back on gifts.)
So I am tired from being so busy and it isn't even real Christmas yet! I am tired of the emphasis on getting and giving stuff and not about the sharing. I am tired from working for days on doing something that's not about stuff. But that's a good thing. That is because we held the patient parties this week. Christmas should be more about relationships and spiritual beliefs, not getting a bunch of stuff. Don't worry; I'm not going to get on that soap box again! For me the patient parties are the focus of my Christmas season, after that I prefer to coast through the holiday season on auto pilot. The commercialism of the season seems to make the holidays even more exhausting.
The parties are always before Christmas. It helps the staff that works on them to rest up a bit before the Christmas crunch begins. There are five of us that do them. It's a lot of work; planning, shopping, getting ready, setting up, doing the parties and cleaning up two days in a row. So they deserve a rest before the real holiday.
But for me, after so many years of doing the patient parties, they have become my most important Christmas. I have been seeing many of the patients twice a week for years. I see them more than some of my own family and friends! Several of them have been part of my meditation group for more than two years now. Not so obviously, spending this much time with them makes them more than just people I work with. They are a tremendous part of my life. Years ago a patient said that because I was never able to have children, I was meant to take care of a lot of people. I have never forgotten that, and see it becoming true.
I start thinking about the parties, right after we finish the current parties! No, really, I'm not that anal! Since it's fresh in my mind, I make notes of things to keep and to change. I think about how much money was spent, how much we'll need for next year, why we ended up with extra food, or not enough. I think about how we will get enough things to pass out as gifts for Christmas next year and other special occasions throughout the year.
I try not to over order food, I have to watch how much money we spend. The doctors are very generous to do this every year. There are almost 200 patients. Sometimes quite a few people don't take any of the food home. Other times we almost run out. One year we did. So we always have too much or too little! When we have too much, or I think there may be too much, I save it for the staff party. We could split it up and take it home, but I like to share it with the other staff. I really like the people I work with, and want them to have some too. I eat very little of it during the parties to save as much as possible for everyone later.
If we get a lot of treat donations, I'll put some aside for the staff too. Some years there are lots of extra goodies and other years like this one, not very much. The harder the economy, the harder we have to search for extras, or in my mind essentials. The last two Christmases have been harder for most people.
I like to surprise the staff with the extra food. They don't always expect it. I know a few of them may think I am being selfish in not offering it during the patient parties, but I have to make sure that every patient gets some first. We have a large staff. Most of them aren't paid very much. Working in health care may be stable, but they are not lucrative paying jobs.
By the second day of the parties, I'll know if we will be able to give out food to everyone else. I 'guesstimate' if we will have enough for the staff and something extra for the drivers and other people who have been so helpful throughout the year. I have developed the ability to shut out the people who think I am being selfish. I can't win for loosing some times. Go figure; they don't even realize that some of the gifts we buy for the patients actually comes from money from our own pockets. I mean really, do they think that there is a sea of bottomless presents waiting to be passed out?
If it wasn't for the patients, we wouldn't be needed and have jobs. The patients don't want to go there, they have to go there. We try to make it a little more pleasant to be there. So then I meditate on it and let it go. I am trying to be a better person; sometimes it's very hard.
The parties run for two days, so that every patient on every shift gets to participate. There is always someone who is in the hospital or out of town each year. We save gifts for them, but can't save the food, as it isn't going to be edible for long! Most patients look forward to it. For some it's their only Christmas and we are their only family.
Just like every year at about this time I am wiped out. The parties for the patients are over and done with for this year. Our office party is over. As far as I 'm concerned, at this moment so is my most important Christmas. I'm not wiped out from shopping till I drop for Christmas gifts though. I've never done that. I am one of those people other people hate, who shops early and picks things up during the year. It's not because I am super organized. It's because I really don't like to shop at the mall and fight crowds of people. I just don't get the madness of the holiday shopping season and Black Friday here in the states. (You may recall that I previously blogged about cutting back on gifts.)
So I am tired from being so busy and it isn't even real Christmas yet! I am tired of the emphasis on getting and giving stuff and not about the sharing. I am tired from working for days on doing something that's not about stuff. But that's a good thing. That is because we held the patient parties this week. Christmas should be more about relationships and spiritual beliefs, not getting a bunch of stuff. Don't worry; I'm not going to get on that soap box again! For me the patient parties are the focus of my Christmas season, after that I prefer to coast through the holiday season on auto pilot. The commercialism of the season seems to make the holidays even more exhausting.
The parties are always before Christmas. It helps the staff that works on them to rest up a bit before the Christmas crunch begins. There are five of us that do them. It's a lot of work; planning, shopping, getting ready, setting up, doing the parties and cleaning up two days in a row. So they deserve a rest before the real holiday.
But for me, after so many years of doing the patient parties, they have become my most important Christmas. I have been seeing many of the patients twice a week for years. I see them more than some of my own family and friends! Several of them have been part of my meditation group for more than two years now. Not so obviously, spending this much time with them makes them more than just people I work with. They are a tremendous part of my life. Years ago a patient said that because I was never able to have children, I was meant to take care of a lot of people. I have never forgotten that, and see it becoming true.
I start thinking about the parties, right after we finish the current parties! No, really, I'm not that anal! Since it's fresh in my mind, I make notes of things to keep and to change. I think about how much money was spent, how much we'll need for next year, why we ended up with extra food, or not enough. I think about how we will get enough things to pass out as gifts for Christmas next year and other special occasions throughout the year.
I try not to over order food, I have to watch how much money we spend. The doctors are very generous to do this every year. There are almost 200 patients. Sometimes quite a few people don't take any of the food home. Other times we almost run out. One year we did. So we always have too much or too little! When we have too much, or I think there may be too much, I save it for the staff party. We could split it up and take it home, but I like to share it with the other staff. I really like the people I work with, and want them to have some too. I eat very little of it during the parties to save as much as possible for everyone later.
If we get a lot of treat donations, I'll put some aside for the staff too. Some years there are lots of extra goodies and other years like this one, not very much. The harder the economy, the harder we have to search for extras, or in my mind essentials. The last two Christmases have been harder for most people.
I like to surprise the staff with the extra food. They don't always expect it. I know a few of them may think I am being selfish in not offering it during the patient parties, but I have to make sure that every patient gets some first. We have a large staff. Most of them aren't paid very much. Working in health care may be stable, but they are not lucrative paying jobs.
By the second day of the parties, I'll know if we will be able to give out food to everyone else. I 'guesstimate' if we will have enough for the staff and something extra for the drivers and other people who have been so helpful throughout the year. I have developed the ability to shut out the people who think I am being selfish. I can't win for loosing some times. Go figure; they don't even realize that some of the gifts we buy for the patients actually comes from money from our own pockets. I mean really, do they think that there is a sea of bottomless presents waiting to be passed out?
If it wasn't for the patients, we wouldn't be needed and have jobs. The patients don't want to go there, they have to go there. We try to make it a little more pleasant to be there. So then I meditate on it and let it go. I am trying to be a better person; sometimes it's very hard.
The parties run for two days, so that every patient on every shift gets to participate. There is always someone who is in the hospital or out of town each year. We save gifts for them, but can't save the food, as it isn't going to be edible for long! Most patients look forward to it. For some it's their only Christmas and we are their only family.
Diabetic Eating: Eating Poorly, Eating Wisely
Today I felt what it would be like if I were an uncontrolled diabetic. As if I did not eat every 3 to 4 fours that I normally eat and also eating too many sweets in one day.
We held our annual patient parties for Christmas the last two days. They are very long, exhausting days of preparing and packing meals for people all day long. We also give out treats, pass out punch, coffee and gifts. We start at about 7:00 in the morning and clean up for the day about 5:00 pm.
I enjoy giving everything out. It's just a lot to do in two days. I wish we could break it up over several weeks! We stand for long periods of time and do a lot of walking and lifting. I start to get very tired by mid day, especially the second day.
I forgot to eat a healthy snack this morning. I ate breakfast and got to work a 7:00 am and started getting things ready after I took my coat off. Someone brought in bakery cookies for us. I ate some and kept working, packing up the meals. I think that might have been about 10:00am. I started to feel a little funky; that is the best way to describe it. I took a quick break and ate a couple of handfuls of the nuts I mentioned in my last post. I went back to business packing food into the containers. Awhile later, I ate some chocolate covered nuts that one of my friends gave to me.
It wasn't too long before I started to feel odd again. I wasn't hungry, but I took a small plate of mostacolli and then ate some more nuts. Later on in the day as we were passing out the gifts, I started to feel weird. I had to stop passing out gifts and excuse myself. I went and ate some more nuts and felt better very quickly. I went back out and finished helping with the gifts. However, the pasta was made of white flour. I forgot that when I ate it, because I am so used to making multi grain or wheat pasta for myself. I was too busy to notice. I thought about it later.
I realized that I had waited too long to eat, and that I needed to eat some protein too. When we got a chance to take another break, I got some meatballs too this time, because of the protein. I ate them and we finished the day, cleaned up and put everything away. Luckily, I had remembered to stay hydrated all day, as I took mini breaks to drink water. I filled a water bottle and kept it nearby. I wasn't hungry when I got home, but I did eat a light meal.
I am a tightly controlled diabetic. I can cheat. But when I cheat, I usually don't eat much in the way of sweets in one sitting, go without eating for more than four hours, or eat them without having protein or some kind of vegetable with it. I can eat a lot more fruit in a day, than I can sugary things.
But today I was very busy buzzing around doing things. Being active brings the blood sugar down more quickly than just sitting and standing. I was so busy, that I wasn't paying attention to eating on schedule, or eating well. Occasionally I forget, because I am doing so well, that I still can have a problem. I am not on medication, so I need to be more vigilant.
Don't be concerned, I wasn't doing so badly that I would need medical treatment. I just needed to sit down and eat correctly. When you have such tight control, forgetting a regular schedule and eating too many of the wrong things tends to show up faster. One day wasn't so bad, but two in a row is not good.
After I ate better; with a protein, carb, vegetable mix and then I rested, I felt good. When I got home, the exhaustion from the day was quickly gone. And that my friends, is the result of taking good care of yourself.
We held our annual patient parties for Christmas the last two days. They are very long, exhausting days of preparing and packing meals for people all day long. We also give out treats, pass out punch, coffee and gifts. We start at about 7:00 in the morning and clean up for the day about 5:00 pm.
I enjoy giving everything out. It's just a lot to do in two days. I wish we could break it up over several weeks! We stand for long periods of time and do a lot of walking and lifting. I start to get very tired by mid day, especially the second day.
I forgot to eat a healthy snack this morning. I ate breakfast and got to work a 7:00 am and started getting things ready after I took my coat off. Someone brought in bakery cookies for us. I ate some and kept working, packing up the meals. I think that might have been about 10:00am. I started to feel a little funky; that is the best way to describe it. I took a quick break and ate a couple of handfuls of the nuts I mentioned in my last post. I went back to business packing food into the containers. Awhile later, I ate some chocolate covered nuts that one of my friends gave to me.
It wasn't too long before I started to feel odd again. I wasn't hungry, but I took a small plate of mostacolli and then ate some more nuts. Later on in the day as we were passing out the gifts, I started to feel weird. I had to stop passing out gifts and excuse myself. I went and ate some more nuts and felt better very quickly. I went back out and finished helping with the gifts. However, the pasta was made of white flour. I forgot that when I ate it, because I am so used to making multi grain or wheat pasta for myself. I was too busy to notice. I thought about it later.
I realized that I had waited too long to eat, and that I needed to eat some protein too. When we got a chance to take another break, I got some meatballs too this time, because of the protein. I ate them and we finished the day, cleaned up and put everything away. Luckily, I had remembered to stay hydrated all day, as I took mini breaks to drink water. I filled a water bottle and kept it nearby. I wasn't hungry when I got home, but I did eat a light meal.
I am a tightly controlled diabetic. I can cheat. But when I cheat, I usually don't eat much in the way of sweets in one sitting, go without eating for more than four hours, or eat them without having protein or some kind of vegetable with it. I can eat a lot more fruit in a day, than I can sugary things.
But today I was very busy buzzing around doing things. Being active brings the blood sugar down more quickly than just sitting and standing. I was so busy, that I wasn't paying attention to eating on schedule, or eating well. Occasionally I forget, because I am doing so well, that I still can have a problem. I am not on medication, so I need to be more vigilant.
Don't be concerned, I wasn't doing so badly that I would need medical treatment. I just needed to sit down and eat correctly. When you have such tight control, forgetting a regular schedule and eating too many of the wrong things tends to show up faster. One day wasn't so bad, but two in a row is not good.
After I ate better; with a protein, carb, vegetable mix and then I rested, I felt good. When I got home, the exhaustion from the day was quickly gone. And that my friends, is the result of taking good care of yourself.
Fighting to Lose Weight and Keeping it Off
Okay, it’s a good time of year to start talking about loosing weight and keeping it off. I just can’t stand to count calories and portions! I’m not good at keeping food diaries and writing down what I ate. I know that most of you probably aren't either. I can’t follow a restrictive or specific diet. For me they just don’t work for long. I can’t follow specific food plans. There are lots of things I don’t like to eat that are on some diet plans. I also eat some things in moderation that diets say to cut out. Otherwise I start to rebel when my choices are too limited and restricted. Most things in moderation are better for me. Actually over time I have avoided some things or just don’t crave them as much.
So how was I successful in finally loosing weight and keeping it off? The things I share with you are what worked for me. I tailored healthy foods and exercise to what I liked, what I would eat and which exercises I would stick with. This worked surprising well for me. That is why I am sharing my “secrets” with you; because they aren’t secret. It just seems like there are so many diets and diet books out there and most don’t work for long. So you may not want to spend your hard earned money.
When you are restricted in what you eat and then go back to eating normally, of course you are going to gain weight back! I’ve done that and I know you have too, or you wouldn’t be reading some of my posts. My life style change is not a diet. I am giving you tips, and ideas that worked for me and I still follow. I’m not always perfect, but I’ve been keeping most of the weight I lost off for almost three years.
You must resolve to eat healthier and never go back to most of your old habits. Period. It is the bad habits that you must break, not a diet that you must stay on. You have to exercise! You can’t do it without it. It’s that simple. You should learn healthy new habits and commit to them. Over time they will start to become a part of your routine. Routine means something you do all of the time, often without thinking about it.
Many of the things I’m sharing with you are things that I have tried, that worked for me. I research things that I read in a source, and I will cross reference it in several other sources. That is one way to check and see if it is really true or worth trying. Just remember to always consult with your doctor.
I talked to dietitians and doctors about foods and supplements. I look up the ingredients listed on products. Always read the labels on things! I want to know what is going into my body. Is it natural? How much sugar is in it? Sure, I cheat. But I can always stop and be good.
I have been going through menopause and that makes it much harder at times to avoid temptation, cravings, and premenstrual bloat. Before my father went in the hospital, I had lost over 70 pounds. Long months of chronic stress from his illness, death, work pressures, taking a class and menopause all at the same time, helped to put back on some weight. I am happy to say that it was only about 10 - 14 pounds and not the whole 70 plus. I have remained stable for the last few months with 2 - 5 pounds coming and going. My body has found a new set point, but it is not the old high set point. That's a hugely positive thing to me. Most people gain all the weight back and then some. So I know what I have been doing has helped enormously. I have not had any diabetic depression. The exercise I get helps to keep that at bay. Which in turn helps to keep me more watchful. Meditating helps me to deal with all of the things that life throws at me. Sometimes its an awful lot. I can deal with it, because I have found two keys things to keep me positive; exercise and meditation.
I have not lost my motivation, I know the weight will come off again. You see, I understand what stress does to the body. I realize that I am having after affects of stress. Like I said before, I have not gained that much back. I can work that off slowly again.
As a diabetic, I am aware of the effect some foods have on the body. My diabetes is tightly controlled and my HA1c tests are always under 7, (usually between 5.8 and 6.0). Currently it is 5.8, which means non-diabetic. But that doesn’t mean I can eat whatever I like. Oh no, that is a recipe for trouble. A result of 6.0 or less is where a diabetic wants that number to be. I have kept my fasting blood sugar under 100, most of the time, which is excellent. Sometimes it creeps up, depending on if I had a very stressful day the day before. Or when what I ate last before bed is a fruit or a carb. Diabetics need to balance their meals and snacks. You CAN eat carbs if you eat protein with it most of the time. But eat complex carbs. Brown rice is really good in keeping my blood sugar stable. So for example, some brown rice and chicken will keep you going and stable, until your snack.
I have to work to stop cravings and stay healthy. Over time it gets much easier. Yoga, which I wrote about in one of my first posts, is excellent for calming the bodies’ cravings. So of course is meditation. That’s why I write about it so much. It has changed my life and therefore my lifestyle. I also have been wearing a pedometer to measure my steps and calories burned every day, every where for the last 3 years. It keeps me paying attention to how much walking I do each day. The golden rule is 10,000 steps.
These are things you must cut out or limit that are bad for you:
Things made with high fructose corn syrup
Enriched white bread
Anything made with white flour
Trans fats
You simply have to start exercising. There is no way around it. Avoid foods that have sugar listed as one of the first few ingredients; I think most of the guidelines say in the first 4 or 5 ingredients. Simple sugars are not efficiently absorbed or processed by your body. As a type II diabetic, I try to avoid sugar added in foods as much as possible. High fructose corn syrup is an ingredient that is found in most processed foods and in sodas. Did you know it turns into fat in your liver? Yeah me either, until I did some research on it. If you must drink sodas, regular or diet, cut back to one or two glasses a week, not a day. If at all possible stop drinking them. I can go for months without sodas. If I do drink it, it’s maybe one glass once a week. I used to drink 3 or 4 a day. I lost about 7 pounds after I quit drinking soda. Limit or cut out fast foods and processed foods and snacks. If you do not do these things you are helping to set yourself up for metabolic syndrome. I was the walking poster child for it. Several years ago, thanks to Dr. Oz, I realized that I probably had it and got tested. (You may want to read my first post.)
If you have a large midsection, you may already have it. Please see your doctor and ask for blood tests. Once you develop metabolic syndrome, you may become diabetic, as I had. It is very hard to lose that fat around your midsection once you develop metabolic syndrome. It takes a lot more work to get it off. I still have a problem with it, but my midsection is shrinking a little at a time. Unfortunately, I had a lot of weight to loose. I started out at 260 pounds’. That my friend is considered by health care professionals to be morbidly obese. I don’t like that word “morbidly”. I celebrated every pound that came off, no matter how long it took. Slow weight loss seems to help it stay off better too. I know most doctors recommend loosing one to two pounds a week at most. So you also have to watch salt intake too, because it will make you hold fluid.
So how often should you eat? Well, I have 6 small meals a day or 3 meals and 3 snacks. The key is to eat healthy snacks in between meals, so you never go without eating for more than 4 hours. The sad thing is our bodies quickly adjust to eating less and less often. So if you skip meals, your body starts to feel deprived. Eating something healthy helps to trick your body into feeling nourished. Don’t feel bad if you slip. Just forgive yourself and start over; otherwise you will just stop trying. That is the main reason I have kept most of it off for so long; paying attention, forgiving myself, continuing to persevere and keeping exercising.
Here are some things I leaned to eat;
Eat 25 – 35 grams of fiber a day. It will help fill you up and keep you from eating junk food because you will not feel as hungry. Build up your daily fiber slowly though over time, or you will be in the bathroom a lot and have a lot of gas!
Fish and chicken
Eat fish several times a week if you can. I am not a salmon or tuna lover, so I feel that any fish is better than none. Bake it or broil it, but don’t fry it. Limit or cut fried foods completely out of your diet. Chicken is good, but watch when using sauces.
Try to eat your biggest meal at breakfast or lunch and eat a little lighter at dinner and then have a small snack a couple of 2 hours before you go to bed. You want to be able to sleep without feeling too full. I cannot sleep well if I eat too close to bedtime.
I try to eat a green leafy salad with a meal or with something else, several times a week. Right now I am bad about it, but I will try to re-motivate myself. I ate them everyday and sometimes twice a day. So I ended up getting sick and tired of the salad. I only use extra virgin olive oil on my salads. I drizzle 1 – 2 tablespoons over it. I crumble either walnuts or sprinkle in wheat germ. I actually used to crave my salads! The extra virgin olive oil is good for your heart. It is a monounsaturated fat which is healthier and more desirable than Trans fats or saturated fats. Something else you will need to read labels for and learn more about.
Healthy snacks
All of these have fiber, so they will help to fill you up:
Organic peanut butter; 1 or 2 rounded tablespoons
Baby carrot sticks
By the handful; or 10-16 pieces
Walnuts (I eat these every day)
Almonds (I eat these every day)
Pine nuts
Pistachio nuts
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Avocado slices 2-4 (I eat a whole one almost every day. It’s my favorite snack.)
Apple Sauce ½ - 1 cup (look for natural or low sugar)
½ an orange
A ½ cup of any berries you might like
Broccoli (raw is good too)
Cauliflower (raw is good too)
Also try:
Cup of yogurt, but read the labels for those bad ingredients before you buy it. You’d be surprised how much sugar, high fructose corn syrup and Trans fats are in some brands
Not as good, but satisfying
1 or 2 slices any of your favorite cheeses (I am guilty of eating 2 or 3)
1 glass of low fat or skim milk
You can still eat pastas and rice especially if you like multi-grain or wheat pasta. If you must eat white pasta, have no more than a cup’s worth and eat a fiber rich vegetable and protein with it. Simple carbs cause blood sugar spikes and crashes that will only make you crave more carbs. I find brown rice really keeps the blood sugar spikes at bay.
I will be posting more at a later time. Just remember I am no expert. Consult with your doctor. I am just a person who has been there too and I still have weight to lose!
Season's Greetings!
Season's Greetings! I'm posting a couple of fun pictures of the planter in front of my house. The blue green plant on the left; in the top picture, is one of the evergreen boughs I ran home with in November. If you may recall, I talked about in a previous post. Not just a little clipping, is it?
I added a couple of different evergreen branches that I bought at the garden center a week ago. Yes, I PAID for them. They are very pretty cuttings and I couldn't pass them up. I could visualize them in the planter, so they just had to go there! They look just like little trees. If one of them sprouts roots, I'll plant it in the yard. In fifty years it'll be huge. But that won't matter because I'm sure I'll be long gone by then! I can imagine it; tall, full, stately and blocking out all of sun to our neighbor's house behind us. By then, I won't be around to get yelled at when it starts to take over the yard!
You can also see the Red Twig Dogwood branches from the backyard. The berry branches are cut with permission from another neighbor. The sign I've had for years. It's really cute and I used to just stake it in the ground. But this arrangement was just asking for a final touch. I thought of the snowman and decided it would be the perfect touch of whimsy. It completes the planter, doesn't it?
Below, you can see how the planter looks from a bit of a distance. So now you can better appreciate the display. You can also see just how much of the juniper clippings I picked up off the ground ! Didn't I say I ran off with an arm load?
Cold, Clear and Sunny
Today is my day off. I'm usually not off on a Monday. There's lots to do at work later in the week. It is very cold today, but it is clear and sunny. The sky looks so blue, it just makes me feel happy! You can see in the pictures, as a cloud passed over for a moment and disappeared. It's been nice and sunny all day. This is my favorite kind of winter day. If it were a tad warmer, it would be better, but at least its not snowing. But that's okay, because it's always a good day when it's sunny. Hard to tell I like sunshine , huh?!
This is a view of the gazebo at the park near my house. What a difference from a day earlier, with the wind and snow in the pictures. Or actually making the picture what it is, a snow storm. Although "those snow pictures are very interesting", as one of my readers said, of my last post, I prefer a clear crisp scene and sky myself.
The other pictures are more of the park and my front and back yard. I will kept an eye out for fun or interesting pictures to add in the future for all of you who like the pictures so much. I hope you continue to like reading the posts too. I am enjoying doing this blog. I will talk more about healthy eating in the future as promised.
I may post more later.
An Early Winter Storm
I took a walk today hoping the snow might stop or be lighter. As you can see from the pictures, that wasn't the case! I waited until later afternoon to go out. I thought the wind would die down a bit. For a time the wind picked up and the snow blew harder! You can see snowflakes flying in some of the pictures. The wind got so strong at one point, that I had to hold the camera in my jacket hood so I could take a picture. The wind whipped in my face and my nose ran like I had turned on a faucet. I must say my sinuses certainly got cleaned out!
I walk outdoors all year long, so I am used to walking in the cold. I'm just not used to taking pictures in a snow storm! As luck would have it, the snow stopped about thirty minutes after I got in, and pealed off my layers of clothes!
Its gotten much colder though now and I can hear the wind blowing hard. Thankfully there will be no more snow for awhile. If it keeps snowing it will be harder to drive around. There was a layer of ice on the sidewalks and streets today. One of my safety measures when I know the sidewalks are icy, is to walk on the grass or dirt. That way, I am less likely to slip and fall. Falling a mile or more from home isn't fun, especially if you scrape your knees or something like that. I know from experience; I fell and scraped my knee and had to limp home for nearly two miles. It took forever to limp home. Luckily the scrape hurt more than it was serious and it healed quickly. (That's what being a well controlled Type II Diabetic does. You heal better and quickly, but you have to be very aware of cuts and scrapes becoming infected.)
This is my third December walking in all weather, so I've learned how to be more careful of the cold and weather changes. I always carry a snack bar or two, in case my blood sugar starts to go down. I wear a down jacket with a light sweater and tee shirt underneath. I put on one lightweight scarf for my neck and tuck it in my jacket. Then I put on another and tie it around my neck over my jacket. I only wear two scarfs when it's really windy and cold.
I either wear two pairs of cotton socks or one very thick pair. I wear some sort of long johns for my legs and a stretchy knit pant for better movement. You want to be able to step over things. In a stiff pair of pants, you just might not be able to lift your legs too high! Last year, I bought a pair of heavily treaded, lined winter walking half boots. They hit about mid calf on my legs. They are great for walking in several inches of snow and on ice. When the snow is higher or it is even colder, I have another higher pair of pull on boots, with a faux shearling lining. They are harder to walk in and not as flexible at the ankle.
I can't wear wool, as I am sensitive to wool next to my skin. I get a rash or start to itch. I can handle some blends and very fine knits, but not directly on my torso. I use a wool blanket, but I have to have something else under it. It's kind of frustrating, but I've gotten used to being careful. So I like to wear natural and organic clothing. I do wear man made things, but mostly below the waist. I especially like rayon or cotton, polyester, spandex workout and yoga pants. I live in them. If they are all spandex or polyester and spandex, they aren't as comfortable to me. I get too warm; I just like clothes and socks that breathe. I sound really picky, don't I? I own a lot of tee shirts and knit tops for comfort. I walk several times a weeks and like to be comfortable. I also started using a sun screen year round, although I tend to forget to put in on in the winter. I forgot today. Sure I remembered, after I got home and saw the tube on the vanity in the bathroom!
I always wear or bring a faux fleece or knit hat, because you never know when the weather could turn for the worse. Except of course in the summer, that would be kind of ridiculous! I fold them up and tuck them in my pocket. I keep lightweight knit gloves in my pockets, but when it gets colder, I bring heavier gloves instead. It's not a good idea to walk with your hands in your pockets. You may need to brace yourself if you fall.
So, if you live in a warm and sunny location, you can be happy not to have our weather. But actually, most of the time its not so bad in the winter. I like the snow after its over and cleaned off the streets! It is pretty. I don't mind walking in it at all, but driving in it, now that's another thing!
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