Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Affirmation Meditation For The New Year

I saw this quote and thought it is a very good one to reflect on in a meditation; 

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love... "                                             Marcus Aurelius

What an excellent thought to live by.  Use a part of this as an affirmation as the new year gets nearer and in the first days of the year.  Chant on it, or simply reflect on it as the New Year approaches.  I am giving you a simpler version to use in your own meditation.  Close your eyes and say it over and over several times, softly out loud, or in your mind.  Then take a deep cleansing breath and slowly let it out.  Relax your body and think the word 'joy' until it drifts from your mind into stillness. 

I find joy in being alive.  To love, to think, to breathe, to be.