Today is my day off. I'm usually not off on a Monday. There's lots to do at work later in the week. It is very cold today, but it is clear and sunny. The sky looks so blue, it just makes me feel happy! You can see in the pictures, as a cloud passed over for a moment and disappeared. It's been nice and sunny all day. This is my favorite kind of winter day. If it were a tad warmer, it would be better, but at least its not snowing. But that's okay, because it's always a good day when it's sunny. Hard to tell I like sunshine , huh?!
This is a view of the gazebo at the park near my house. What a difference from a day earlier, with the wind and snow in the pictures. Or actually making the picture what it is, a snow storm. Although "those snow pictures are very interesting", as one of my readers said, of my last post, I prefer a clear crisp scene and sky myself.
The other pictures are more of the park and my front and back yard. I will kept an eye out for fun or interesting pictures to add in the future for all of you who like the pictures so much. I hope you continue to like reading the posts too. I am enjoying doing this blog. I will talk more about healthy eating in the future as promised.
I may post more later.