With the holiday season here and Christmas in a few days, please take the time to care of yourself.
Practice your meditation every morning to calm and center yourself. Even if it is just for a couple of minutes, it will help to start your day on a more positive note. Set a timer for the time you would like to meditate. Sit on your mat or in a chair. Make yourself comfortable. Rest your hands in your lap, or use a mudra; like om. Take a deep cleansing breath and then slowly exhale. Do that several times. Close your eyes and clear your mind of negative thoughts. If you need to, think of something beautiful to focus on.
Please try to get plenty of sleep. Get to bed at a reasonable time. Don't rush about your day. Don't make the holidays about having to do everything, let something go. Take time to sit and relax with a soothing cup of tea or decaf coffee. Recharge, but don't overcharge. Take a warm bath or shower to relax your sore muscles and give yourself a time out. Eat healthy and take your vitamins. Exercise if you can make yourself find the time. I always used to get sick at, or right after the holidays. Women especially, always try to do too much. You really can't be all things for all people. Let it go. Only do what you can at the moment. Do one thing at a time and you will do that one thing better.
Remember to wash your hands several times a day to keep germs at bay. And for heaven's sake, don't let stress take over your life. You have more control than you realize, if you just pay attention. Stop and ask yourself; "Do I really need to do that right now?"
Hug your friends and kiss your family; or vise versa! Just remember to take care of you, or you won't be able to take care of anyone else.