Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Whatever Happened to Silence in the Library?

It was winter again today.  It seems like it's been winter for about three years now.  It looks like it's never going to end.  I woke up this morning to more snow.  So I decided to never say that if it never, ever snows again I would be happy.   By writing that, I think I may have jinked everyone here.  SORRY!

Thankfully after a week of gloominess, hail, rain and snow; the sun finally made an appearance.  Yeah!  It quickly went away again, and came back a couple of hours ago, but at least I was outside when it happened.  So I had my moment in the sun, so to speak. 

I was happy to have to work today since it got gloomy again.  I've been in a good mood throughout the entire week, so I know I don't suffer from SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder if you want to get technical. 

Hey I've been in a good mood despite bad news, weird things happening and loosing my Internet connection.  Isn't there supposed to be some big astrological thing happening right now?  I sure am riding some kind of weird tide.

I've been at the library so often that the people working here are getting to know my face.  I've been working on their computers every day.  I even have a favorite station that I like to sit at.  But what I really want to know is, when did libraries stop being quiet places?  Seriously, every day that I've been at the library, someones cell phone rings and they talk on it AT THE LIBRARY!  It just happened again as I am typing this post!  No one from the staff says anything to those people.  They talk as if they are the only one in the room.  It's crazy!  Even the guy from the Reference Desk sits there and talks sort of loud on the phone.  He sits less than 10 yards from the computers.  Apparently people working on computers don't need quiet... 

Then there is the check out desk.  It is not far from the computers and I can hear most of those conversations too.  People talk about the oddest things in a library.  I can shut out most of it, I work in a noisy facility.  Another patron looked up and smiled at me when one guy was talking about his son's personal life to the Librarian.  I had to look away for fear of laughing out loud. 

Yesterday, a 30ish couple came in, sat at separate computers and preceded to talk to each other the entire time and then constantly get up and look at each others computers.  I was the only other person there, but didn't I deserve some respect and quiet?  Seriously are people really that clueless nowadays?  I looked up at them a few times and eventually they stopped talking.  The loud reference guy was no where in sight then.  Good thing its quieter, (but still not quiet) today.  Otherwise they are going to need a referee when I jump up and slap the next person that talks next to me!

On different days that I've been at the library, I've sat near one gentleman with a nervous foot tapping thing.  (Yes, I wanted to step on his foot and tell him to stop.)  Another day I sat next to a man with some sort of tick and throat clearing problem.  I tried to turn as much as possible so that I couldn't see his head out of the corner of my eye.  That didn't work.  At least the throat clearing didn't last the whole hour plus he was there and it seemed to not phase me as much as the tick.  At one point though, every time he twitched his head, I started unconsciously flexing my neck.  I caught myself doing it after a while.  I think I was trying to help him work his tick out.

After a few more days of this I will be very, very happy when my new Internet connection is finally installed.  But I must tell you, without the use of the Internet I have gotten a lot more things done at home.  Now when someone asks me,  "Where does all the time go", I'll have an answer!