Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Support for the Japanese Earthquake Victims

We had our first perfectly beautiful day in several weeks yesterday.  But In light of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan yesterday, I just couldn't write about how great a day it was here, when such a huge disaster happened to the people of Japan.  It seemed very insensitive.  

I write a lot of light and fun pieces, but I also address world and other issues.  After all, we are all of the same community of man.  So instead, I am posting more ways to help and possibly find missing loved ones for my Japanese readers and those of you who may know someone there.  

Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to them.  Please help in any way that you can.  I am providing more information to provide support. 

For the following cut and paste into your browser:

If you are on Facebook, login in to your page and one of my favorite sites for donating.  Please share with your Facebook friends.  This is what social networking is all about; 

Google has also set up Crisis Response with "a project " AND
a way to find missing loved ones and friends;

GOOGLE  Person Finder: 2011 Japan Earthquake 
If you don't have Google as your search engine, type in Google and choose and then either;

Crisis Response a project     or

Person Finder: 2011 Japan Earthquake 
