Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven



Did you ever have one of those days when you just couldn't seem to remember anything, like where you left something or a thought you had a second ago?  I have them all of the time.  

My entire life I've walked into a room and then couldn't remember why I went there in the first place.  Okay, not my entire life, because I can't remember that far back!  I don't do that as much as I used to, but I still do it at least once a day.  Maybe more, I forget.   I usually remember later why I went in the room in the first place.   Most of the time it's just after I walk back where I came from!  Then I have to go back again.  At least I'm getting a lot of exercise that way.  

It drives me crazy when I'm outside working in the garden and forget something I meant to bring with me.  Then I have to go back in, get it and come out again.   But first I have to take my (usually) dirty shoes off, then put them on again.  Why I picked a house with a white tile kitchen floor...  Then I forget to take my shoes off, until I get 10 feet into the room and there's a trail of mud behind me.   So then I have to clean the floor.  You can guess where this is leading.  Yes, that's right.  I forget what I came in for in the first place.  I've done that one time too many. 

My focus is better because of meditation, I'm still working on the memory thing.   Between menopause, work, family and whatever else you can throw in, I'm surprised I can remember my own name sometimes.   I can concentrate on one thing at a time more at home than anywhere else.  The rest of the time, it's interruptions, interruptions and more interruptions. 

Isn't it funny that someone who can recall people's phone numbers from 10 years ago and minuet details in a room, can't remember where she left her cell phone.  I've left it at work, in my car on the passenger seat, in the bathroom; don't ask me why I brought it in there in the first place.  I've left it on a shelf in the kitchen.  I put it away with the dishes.   I'm not even going to talk about my car key!  I've put cold food in the pantry and boxes of crackers in the fridge.   I've started to take a shower one too many times, only to realize I'm still wearing my glasses.  I've even gone to bed with them on.  That's more like being distracted...I hope! 

My husband likes to say that I have 'sometimers'.   Because sometimes I forget things.   Oh ha, ha.  A lot of the time I'm as sharp as a tack and then there are the other days.  I guess we all have them, I'd just like not to have so many.  I took a shower just before writing this post.  Now where is my my watch?