Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


A Tiny Drama

On my walk today I heard a high pitched screaming call.  It sounded like a hurt or panicked animal.  As I walked up a hill I looked around to see what it was.  At first I thought that maybe a hawk had caught another bird.  I don't know why but I was prepared to chase it away to save the other bird.

There were no birds in sight.  I looked around to see if if was on the ground or out on the street.   Nothing, all I saw was a squirrel stop in front of me, look at me for what seemed to be a long moment and then run to the nearest tree.   As I continued on my way, I heard the screech again.

I looked up at a large nest.  It seemed to be coming from there.   I saw another squirrel go to the nest.  My first thoughts were, "What's that squirrel doing in a birds nest?  Is it going to hurt the baby birds?  Do squirrels eat baby birds?" I know, I should know better than that.  But they eat eggs don't they?

The squirrel on the ground climbed part way up the tree, stopped, stared at me and ran back down.  I looked up in the tree when the screeching began again.  There was a mouse on the very edge of the nest screaming and the other squirrel was climbing toward it.  But no, wait a second, that wasn't a mouse!  It was a tiny baby squirrel.   I could tell by the bushy little tail.   Well that really got my interest and of course I didn't have my camera with me!  It was an aaawwwwww moment.  The little one was a tiny baby, so cute.  It wasn't crying for it's mother attention, it was crying because it was afraid.   Oh yeah, I can translate in squirrel... panic and fear sound the same in almost any language.   Didn't you know that?  Well you do now! 

The poor little thing was trembling so badly, it was making it's risk of falling much worse.   But wait, oh no!  It was going to fall!    Now I was transfixed to the spot watching and hoping the baby wouldn't fall.   It was a long drop to the ground.   It probably would have died on impact.  I couldn't bear to see that. 

The adult made it to the little one and struggled to grab it and lift it back into the nest.  I cringed when the baby slid down the adult's back and hung by one tiny paw screaming.   It sure could scream for such a tiny animal.  The adult worked furiously to pull it up.   The baby waved it legs like it was running trying to get back on the adult, as it screamed and screamed.   It was painful to watch, but I wanted to help.   I went into rescue mode.   I held my breath for a moment and then took my jacket off in case I had to catch it with my jacket.   I was determined I would try to catch the baby if it fell.   I wasn't sure what I'd do with it if I had to, but I was ready! 

But that adult squirrel showed super strength and determination and grabbed for the baby.   The baby stopped screaming as soon as the adult go it in it's mouth and gripped it with one paw.  I could almost hear it sigh in relief.   The adult hugged the baby tightly to it's breast and after an effort, it finally got the little one back into the nest.   I don't know where the other squirrel went, but boy did it high tail it out of there.   A lot of help he was.  Just like some people!



Royal Weddings

Any royal watchers out there?  So what did you think of the wedding?  If you are thinking what wedding; you either live under a rock, don't see any media anywhere or just plain forgot.  I didn't get up at the crack of dawn to watch, as I did years ago to see the then Lady Diana marry Prince Charles.  I wanted to see Diana, not Prince Charles, but Diana, Princess Diana as she was known for a time.   I'm sure I would like Prince Charles, we both have a passion for gardening.  But Diana's mere presence overshadowed him.   She was captivating to both men and women.  She wasn't the kind of person who made you feel envious of her.   She was one of us, (although not a commoner) plucked out of no where and placed in a fish bowl existence.   One could see her growing unhappiness through the years. 

Diana had a special quality that made you want to see her, know her and be friends with her.   One of my friends got to meet her for a moment, when she visited a hospital here in the states.   I was always a bit envious of that moment.  My friend who is a nurse, said that she was gracious, poised and gorgeous.   She gripped her hand in a handshake and made her feel special when she said hello and looked directly into her eyes with her sparking blue eyes.  My friend was not a fan, until that moment.  That was part of the magic and charm of Diana. 

She sparkled on her wedding day amid her very obvious nervousness.  Later we would all come to know too much about her unhappy and tragic life and the wonderful bits in between.  Diana will always be a style icon and someone who made being royal seem interesting, but maybe not the greatest thing to be.   It's so sad she didn't live to see her children grow into men. 

I watched this wedding to see Prince William.  After all, I've sort of known him since he was born!   Ha, ha, ha.  Bur I didn't watch at the crack of dawn, but played back a bit later.  William and I share a birthday.  I forgot about that until today.  I didn't take the day off to see it, it just happens to be my day off.   In Prince William, you see glimpses of Diana and Prince Charles.  He looks like a mixture of both of them.   When they kissed on the balcony, a flash of Charles and Diana kissing came to mind.  Isn't it amazing, those famous images just stick in your mind, but you can't remember some of your own great moments?!

Kate is very pretty, and was a beautiful bride.  Her dress was lovey, and more like Grace Kelly's dress than Diana's dress.   Diana's dress was prefect for the fairy tale wedding it was supposed to be.  Kate's dress was prefect for a more mature young woman and these economic times.  It was elegant, classic and not a bit over the top.  Although that is what I expected for a royal wedding.   Good thing I didn't bet anyone what kind of dress she would be wearing.  I would have lost hands down. 

This couple has known each other for years.   They have what appears to be a real and very solid relationship.   In the fishbowl of royal life, William will help guide Kate, the new Duchess of Cambridge.   She will need his help and we wish her well and wish both of them much happiness and love. 


Pearls of Fun

Into every life a little rain must fall.  So always carry a compact umbrella!


Searching... No That's Not It...

I had one of those days the other day where everything that happened was a little annoying or unfinished.  I got half the information I asked for, no one knew what was going on and hurry up and oh yeah, wait.   It’s kind of funny though.  It was sort of like the right foot didn't know what the left foot was doing, and then they tripped over each other.
It was also the kind of day where if I could be misinformed, I defiantly was.  Misinformation I mean!  Don’t you just love that?  You have to stop and check to make sure that what you are seeing, is what’s really happening.  If that sounds confusing then you’re on the same page I was on!  Misinformation and trips ups everywhere and they were not even intentional. 

A couple of times I had computer page crashes at work and was sent to websites that had nothing really to do with what I was searching for in the first place.  I was looking for a particular drugstore.  That seems extremely easy, doesn't it?  One would think that.   

I typed the name of the chain of stores I was looking for in the search engine.   It brought up the name of the chain, just the name, but nothing to do with the drugs part.  I then tried the name followed by "pharmacy".  One would think that would be an easy find.  Well, it took me to some other companies with similar names, but no pharmacies.  Actually, they weren't even stores and there was nothing about medications.  Hmmmm, now what to do?  I mean I've been to one of the stores and purchased things there...  It's a well known chain of stores for Pete's sake!  How hard is it to find it in a search?  Oh contrare friends, not as easy as one would think.  It was one of those lesser known search engines.  I should have known better. I got out of that search and went to another search engine.  Wham, bam there it was.  I should have just done that in the first place.  But I was determined to make that other one work for me.  You know, stubbornness, I know how to to a search.  I do them all the time.  I pride myself on being good at itPride goeth before a fall...
In the time it took me to find the correct listing through another search engine, I could have driven to the store and bought something.  All I was trying to do was get information for a computerless friend. Yes, believe it or not, in this day and age there are some people who still do not have a computer or a smart phone.  I have a smart phone, I just don't know how to use it!  Hey remember when I had to go to the library every day when I changed Internet providers?  Maybe life would be easier without a computer. 

Nah!  How the heck would I write this blog! 



A Soap By Any Other Price

I purchased some oatmeal soaps some time ago and ran out of them.  I couldn't remember where I got them.  So I did an Internet search.   It's really hard to find a nice, inexpensive hand milled soap.   Some of the soaps cost $8 a bar.   Wow, $8 for a bar of soap!  I had paid about $3 for the other soaps.  In my opinion, that is way too much for a bar of soap.  But you know what, after some reflection I think those soaps are worth it.

Every winter my skin gets itchy, especially when I take a shower.   I itch a bit during the day too.  Does that ever happen to you?   Itched and scratched so much, I have to stop myself or I may start to bleed!  Not buckets of blood or anything, but little spots of blood.

I picked up those $3 bars of soaps by chance.  They smelled really good.  I opened the package to let them air out to last longer.  I read that somewhere years ago, you are supposed to let the soap dry a bit so they last longer or something.  Don't ask me why.  I can't remember that part!   I have Sometimers remember...

Well anyway, I hope that works and the soap does last longer so I'm not just wasting my time, or the soap!   The scent of the soap was so deliciously good, I hated to actually use it!   But I didn't buy it to make the linen closet smell good.  And no, in case you were wondering, it does not taste like oatmeal!   I didn't eat it!  I did get some lather in my mouth when I washed my face.   It tastes like soap, just soap.  Darn it!

Well the bars lathered up, rich and creamy and felt  really good on my skin.  After about a week of using one of the bars, I noticed I wasn't itching in the shower anymore.   Hmmm, no more itching.   Then I realized I wasn't itching at all.  Voila!  I think I found the answer to my itchy problem.   I even used them to wash my face.  Then I ran out.   So I went back to my usual soaps.  The itching started again after a couple of days.   Oh great, now I had to find that oatmeal soap again. 

I figured it would be a cinch to find more.  Huh!  I was so wrong.  I searched the Internet and I couldn't even find someone that sold the same brand!   I searched for a couple of hours trying every version of the name I could.   I searched under the description of the bars.  I figured I could find it using Google or Bing.   Google usually finds everything.   But nope, nothing, nil, nada.   Maybe this was some local soap maker.   I did get it at a shop that sold a lot of stuff to tourists.   I was on a trip when I got it.   Oh well, I was tired of wasting time and comparing hand made soap maker's prices.   So, I ended up buying a more expensive brand than I intended, but what the heck?   I think they are worth it and so am I!  They may cost a lot more than the other soaps, but at double the size of the bar, its almost the same, almost.   The best thing, no more itching! 


Quote of the Week

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.   Antoine De Saint -Exupery


Weather, Moods and Meditation

Guess what, it rained again today.   Oh really, it rained... color me NOT surprised!   Well, this is becoming an all too common occurrence.  Yesterday the sun made an appearance.  What you say, the sun after weeks of mostly gloom, FINALLY came out for an entire day?    Well, hallelujah!  It didn’t hide behind the clouds or go running, screaming from approaching ominous storm clouds.  What a difference a sunny day makes in people’s moods.  Did you ever notice that?  Everyone at work was walking around smiling and laughing more too.   My mood was upbeat all day.  Only people's unwarranted negative comments could bring me down, but not for long.   I don’t think most people notice or even realize just how much ours moods are affected by things like sunny days, storms and other people's attitudes toward us.   

Luckily, I am usually an up beat person.  I love to laugh.   I am learning how not to let people bring me down.  It's a lot of work, but I am slowly improving my reactions.  I have a lifetime of behavior to change.  My mood doesn't stay down long though!  I meditate on my reactions, and I try to learn more about why I respond the ways I do.  Then I consciously attempt to correct it in my life.   Life is a learning process.   Meditation helps to bring things into awareness without judging them.  Then you can observe it and strive to not feel those feeling again.   It takes time and practice, but you will begin to see a difference.

Some people love rain storms and thunder, others are afraid of them.  I like rains storms, but not if it rains too hard, like it has been lately.  I don’t like thunderstorms very much.  I like a rainstorm or rain shower now and then.  I have sat meditating during some intense rain storms though.  They seem to enhance my mediation, rather than distract me.  The sound of the rain beating down on the roof in a steady thumpda, thumpda, thumpda is very regular, rhythmic and soothing.  It helps to induce a meditative state.  It’s a repetitious sound that creates a pattern.  A meditative mind will use that pattern to help induce the meditative state.
I find that storms enhance my meditative state, more than anything else.   I seem to meditate much longer during a rainstorm.   If I didn’t use a timer, I would sit be sitting there in meditation for who knows how long!   Probably until my legs got stuck in a crossed leg position or went to sleep.  Then someone would have to pick me up by my arms and carry me or drag me out of it!   But it would take a really long time for that to happen, because I sit on cushions that are pretty comfortable.  When I sit for a really long time, my legs get a little stiff when I first get up.  I might walk like I’m a hundred years old, but I can get up and walk!

What better time to write about this, than in the time of renewal and rebirth. 


I Spoke Too Soon

Is it just me or is the weather staying colder later into the spring than usual each consecutive year?  It snowed in part of the area yesterday.   Thankfully it didn’t snow where I live.  I might have had a meltdown.   Ha, ha, ha.  

When I got to work, there was snow on all of the cars.  It was melting, but it was snow.   You know that wet, cold, slushy stuff.  I wasn’t surprised, surprisingly!  This has been one really long, gloomy, cold spring.  The only things that seem to like this weather are the grass and the bulbs that seem to be everywhere now.  Only the flowers on the bulbs don't seem to like it all that much.  They are tightly closed as if protecting themselves from getting wet and  as if they put a jacket on.   A few of then looked like they were hugging themselves to stay warm.

You know, sometimes I feel like I’m only living for the days that it will be really nice out.   Why does it seem that when it’s cold and snowy, that you’re life is in a standby pattern?   Good evening Passengers we are standing by at gate 12 waiting for the entrance of spring.  It’s a jam packed flight and it’s going to be 70 degrees and sunny; eventually; someday.   It's feels kind of like that. 

You can’t really do all of the things that you would like to do, because it’s too darn cold to be outside for long, but you really don’t want to stay in.  It’s a conundrum alright; in, out, hot, cold, rain, snow; pick one.  Then it will change again in a few hours.  


Quote of the Week

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.   Buddha 


My Quotes and Some Spring Too!

A field full of daffodils bring their own brand of sunshine on a gloomy and rainy day! 


Food For Thought; Food Matters

A bit on the serious side today; I watched the documentary "Food Matters" this week.  I think everyone should watch it, as it gives one much food for thought.  Pun intended.   It brings up the very valid issue of the use of vitamins and how little nutrients we get from most of our food.   Not to mention it's a good learning tool. 

The reality of how poor our diet is in the United States, is driven home in this interesting film.   The people in the film discuss that doctors are not taught nutrition in this country.   No wonder so many doctors don't talk about vitamins, or ask their patients if they are taking vitamins.  It seems rather simple to me that medical schools should include at least one course in how food affects our bodies.   They point out that cancer and other illnesses are not prevalent in other countries that consume healthier, plant based foods.  There is much discussion that our own bodies can fight off most diseases if we follow healthier, plant based eating habits. 

I changed my lifestyle when I started to open my eyes to how poor my own diet was.  But apparently, according to some of my friends, I am not your average person.  Not in a good way, but in an odd way; thanks guys.  Okay, I realize I tend to overly research lots of things and fortunately or unfortunately depending on your opinion, that is just part of the makeup of my personality.   I can be a bit nerdy in my pursuit of information and interests, but this is an important subject.   So I thought that I should pay attention and watch it.  I write and talk about healthy living all of the time.  We all know now that the more junk and processed foods we eat, the worse our health becomes.  The film points out that food is the major cause of illnesses like cancer.

I don't recall at what point I realized that, but it may have been when I started to go through menopause and was worried about my health.   I started reading up on heart disease, cancer, you name it.   What hit home for me and the reason I decided to write about this documentary today, was one point that was made about how are bodies are capable of fighting off illnesses like cancer, unless we eat poorly.   We in fact don't have to become sick with these illness, if we change our eating habits.  I get that and  have read or heard it many times.  They also said that we should eat a 51% raw diet. 


Spring and Allergens; Allergens and Spring

Well now that Spring has finally returned to us, thank goodness, what am I going to have to look forward to?  Only the grass getting greener, more flowers flowering and apparently the worst allergy season yet.  Actually every year for the last oh, five or six years "they" have been saying that it's the worst allergy season ever.   At this rate, I should sneeze my head clean off by June!

If it's worse every year, at what point does it become normal?  Hmmm, food for thought.   Spring and allergens come in together holding hands.  So of course, I've had my usual stuffiness, sinus swelling, burning eyes, runny nose and a bit of sneezing.   None of it's been very bad this year and it seems much better than a couple of years ago.  Now I hope I haven't jinxed myself!  But if this is supposed to be my worst year yet, then I'm doing fantastic!  


Quote of the Week

A state of harmony with nature, with all beings of creation, itself leads to our harmony with humans.  If we lose our relationship with nature, we lose inevitably our relationship with humans.



My Quotes

Find pleasure in the simplest things.  Life is made of simple things.  



Spring Bursts Through

through What do you like most about this time of year?   Me, well you already know that I like warmer, sunnier days.  But my favorite thing about Spring is seeing the progress of the plants and bulbs in my own and other people's gardens.   There's been a growth boom in the last week or so.   The Forsythias suddenly came into bloom,  albeit late because of the weird weather, yet again this year.   That little touch of yellow just warms my heart.  I have about two hundred tulip bulbs coming up all around the house.   It looks as if a musical conductor said, "When I raise my arms with my baton, up you will come."   And they did!

I sure hope that these late Springs don't continue.  It's a little depressing don't you think?  I can't remember exactly when it was warm in March and stayed that way for more than a week.   Here it is April already and it's finally is going to stay warm.  I think the last time it stayed warm in March, was when I was a kid.

I'm serious!  In the ten plus years we've lived here, it's been colder or very rainy in March.  I remember many a March that was so warm, we had to open the windows.   Guess that means a lot of forests have been cut down, huh?   The deforestation in other parts of the world is supposed to affect us too.   Something about them being a weather buffer.   The Polar ice caps are melting too.  Wait, now I know where all the rain comes from.  Mother Nature



Why is it that when you have time off and no where in particular to go, that you find things to do that you wouldn't normally want to do?   Things like cleaning the oven or washing the kitchen floor 3 times when it doesn't really need to be washed.   I mean 3 times in the same week!   Usually I'm a once a week kind of gal, when it comes to washing floors.  Unless there is major spillage or something gross and messy. 

I took some time off, so I could get some rest and relaxation.  Not that I did that.  Instead I found one reason or another to do one thing after another.  I started in the front flower bed, cleaning out the dead leaves and other debris.   Yes, it could have waited for at least 2 more weeks.   It's still unusually chilly for this time of year.   But since I had the time and I was outside….

I don't know what possessed me to wash the floors so many times in one week.  It's not like I don't sweep them every day and spot clean spills.   The floor doesn't get that dirty, especially when my husband works a lot.   He's my biggest mess maker in the kitchen.   He gets a lot done, is a good cook, but he leaves a trail.
The first time I washed the floor was because it needed it. The second time because I dribbled some tea on the floor, cleaned it up and then kept going; all the way into the bathroom and hallway.  The third time, well I can't even begin to tell you why I cleaned again, after I had already swept the floor for the sixth time this week.   Well at least I can say is that it is REALLY clean.   I could probably eat off of it, but who would want to do that!   That's why plates were invented.   I wonder why they named them plates.  Is that another word for discs and where did that word disc come from?  Anyway…

I can sit for long periods of time and do this or that or not much of anything.  Especially if it is something that is very involved.   But it seems, if I have time to just rest and do nothing, I find something to do.   Or make something to do.   I have to remember we all need a "do nothing day".    I've done that before.   I think that's why meditation is so good for me.  Anyone who is really busy needs to sit and be still for awhile   At least I do a lot more things in silence than I used to.   I focus on that one thing.   No more television blaring in the background as I wash the floors.  I find myself being more content while performing mundane tasks and they seem to get done faster, with less resentment.  I used to hate housework.  Now I just intensely dislike it!   Thought I was going to say something else, didn't you? 


Note on Posts

Did you know that I often post photos?!   If you are viewing this blog without the ability to view pictures, then you are missing a large part of my original content, and I wouldn't want that to happen to you!  All quotes have photos, as do many other posts.  They are my own photos. I've taken them all.   Have camera, will travel.  I want you to get the full experience of the posts.  One of my readers recently realized this, and left a comment about how much she enjoyed seeing the quotes with the accompanying pictures.  She wrote that it enriched her enjoyment of the blog.  That's just one of the reasons I add them.  Us visual people like to see pictures.  Or sometimes we get distracted... What?  It's sort of a creative thing for me too.  I take so many pictures, I have to do something with them!  Just kidding.  I really enjoy seeing visuals on other people's blogs and in magazines.  I'm an avid gardener for Pete's sake.  I'm always recording the progress of my garden.  I may as well do something useful with all of those pictures!  Right?!  So here's another one for you...  



Quote of the Week

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.                    
Laura Ingalls Wilder


Well It's about Time!

Today, was a gloriously beautiful day.  The sun came out mid day and the threatening rain clouds drifted away.  It warmed up for the first time in months to the upper 60's! Yahoo!  These are the kind of days that I live for.   Okay, not live for, but you get the idea. 

It never rained, as it seemed it would from the clouds that gathered for hours and then blew away.  I went out later than usual on my walk.  I really didn't feel like getting wet today.  But I was in a good mood  and it looked like the sun was going to stay out.  I put on my sweatshirt jacket and headed out.   As soon as I opened the door and stepped out, I stopped short.    A wave of warm air hit me.  "Is it really this warm?"  I thought.   I forgot what it felt like, because of the Winter that would never end.  

I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear.  The air smelled clean, like a fresh Spring rain smells.  Only it hadn't rained.   I marveled at that.   The birds were singing, it seems from everywhere.   I could swear I smelled Lilacs, but I think it may have been crocuses.   There were no moldy smells today; and I would know.   I'm allergic to mold and some other things too.   When my allergies act up, I have the sniffer of a bloodhound, or at least a beagle. 

You don't know this, but I can smell grass being cut a half a mile away.   I know that sounds ridiculous.   Seriously, when I was at work one day, I asked my coworker who was cutting grass.   She looked at me like I came from another planet or had lost my mind.   We went outside to get lunch and sure enough, there was a guy cutting grass at a building a couple of blocks away.   Well, at least it proved I'm not crazy or an alien!   The smell had come in through the air intake fans; hey I don't have a smeller that good!

Most people love the smell of fresh mowed grass, but not me.   I need a gas mask.   Funny coming from a gardener, isn't it?   I used to get a headache when too many neighbors cut their grass on the same day.  I would appreciate it if someone created a 'This is the only time you can cut grass'  day/hour.   I would leave and come back when everyone was done.   Instead I have to run in the house and close the windows.   But I can dig in the dirt.  Go figure. 


My Friends Are Back

I know it's Spring when my friends the Mallards come to visit.  I was doing the laundry today and looked out the window and they they were, sitting on the edge of the pool.  They look nice and healthy and seemed happy to see me.  They should, because I feed them lots of corn and bread.

Feed them corn and bread you say!   Did you really think I meant they were people?!   I'm just kidding and  I don't feed them, so that they won't get too comfortable around people.   You see, during mating season, a pair of Mallard Ducks come to our house everyday and sit on the ledge of the pool.   Not everyone likes wildlife in their yard.   But I seem to attract it.  Don't go there...!    I don't care as long as it's not a Grizzly Bear or something like that.   Not that we have Grizzly Bears around here, maybe a Coyote or three or a few Raccoons.     

The ducks spend most of the day just hanging around the pool, like a couple of tourists.  When it rains, they go for a dip.  But not in the pool.  On the pool's cover!   There's usually more than a few inches of water on it.   If we get enough rain, a lot of water collects and then they'll have enough water to go for a swim.   I don't think they care whether or not it's a pond or a pool.   I don't think it matters.  They have to know it's not a pond.   Do they?   They certainly can't fish in it, unless something happened out there over the winter that I'm not aware of!

Every Spring they hang around day after day, all day, until she lays eggs.  It drives my husband crazy.   You know his wife won't let him scare them.   Not when she's got a nest somewhere.  They only fly away if you get too close.   You can see by the pictures that they let me get really close.   They've gotten used to this pesty human who talks to them.  They probably are telling me when they quack, to just leave food already and get the heck out!   The female used to make a nest in my front flower bed.   Until a fox ate some of the eggs.   Now she hides it so well I'm not sure where it is.   I'm sure if I get too close, one of them will dive bomb me.   They are sweet birds until you scare them or threaten their eggs.   A couple of years ago I was up at the crack of dawn feeding the fish in our pond.   That's a long story I'll share another day, it's just a little pond.   Everything on land and water went fishing there, so I gave up on having fish.

Well anyway, I was feeding the fish and I heard this loud quacking and another sound I'd never heard from ducks before.   I see the female Mallard flying sort of low.  Right behind her is a little Red Fox.    No, not the guy from 'Sanford and Son'.   I wasn't even aware that we had foxes in this neighborhood, until that day.  All the noise and ruckus was coming from Mr. Mallard who was right behind the fox!    He was flying so low to the ground that he could have been running on the ground.   Did you ever see a duck run fast?  Neither have I.   It was hard to tell who was chasing whom.  It's amazing what you might see when the sun first comes up.   I really wished I had my camera with me.   Now when I'm out early I try to bring it with me.   You never know when  a duck might be chasing a fox.