Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Searching... No That's Not It...

I had one of those days the other day where everything that happened was a little annoying or unfinished.  I got half the information I asked for, no one knew what was going on and hurry up and oh yeah, wait.   It’s kind of funny though.  It was sort of like the right foot didn't know what the left foot was doing, and then they tripped over each other.
It was also the kind of day where if I could be misinformed, I defiantly was.  Misinformation I mean!  Don’t you just love that?  You have to stop and check to make sure that what you are seeing, is what’s really happening.  If that sounds confusing then you’re on the same page I was on!  Misinformation and trips ups everywhere and they were not even intentional. 

A couple of times I had computer page crashes at work and was sent to websites that had nothing really to do with what I was searching for in the first place.  I was looking for a particular drugstore.  That seems extremely easy, doesn't it?  One would think that.   

I typed the name of the chain of stores I was looking for in the search engine.   It brought up the name of the chain, just the name, but nothing to do with the drugs part.  I then tried the name followed by "pharmacy".  One would think that would be an easy find.  Well, it took me to some other companies with similar names, but no pharmacies.  Actually, they weren't even stores and there was nothing about medications.  Hmmmm, now what to do?  I mean I've been to one of the stores and purchased things there...  It's a well known chain of stores for Pete's sake!  How hard is it to find it in a search?  Oh contrare friends, not as easy as one would think.  It was one of those lesser known search engines.  I should have known better. I got out of that search and went to another search engine.  Wham, bam there it was.  I should have just done that in the first place.  But I was determined to make that other one work for me.  You know, stubbornness, I know how to to a search.  I do them all the time.  I pride myself on being good at itPride goeth before a fall...
In the time it took me to find the correct listing through another search engine, I could have driven to the store and bought something.  All I was trying to do was get information for a computerless friend. Yes, believe it or not, in this day and age there are some people who still do not have a computer or a smart phone.  I have a smart phone, I just don't know how to use it!  Hey remember when I had to go to the library every day when I changed Internet providers?  Maybe life would be easier without a computer. 

Nah!  How the heck would I write this blog!