Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven



I'm not looking for an argument, or about to start any kind of debate here about nuclear energy or anything like that.  I am simply making an observation of the types of statements made by some people who are not directly affected by a disaster.   They need to be aware that words hurt, even when they're not intended to.   I heard the following statement on a television program, in a discussion about the earthquake and its aftermath in Japan.  Sometimes it's much better not to say what is in our head, before we just blurt it out.  We need to edit ourselves before we speak, rather than let people hear what we meant to say, but it came out completely wrong.  People hear it and think that we are totally insensitive.  This is what I heard;

"Nuclear power is a very viable energy source.  Nuclear power does not contribute to global warming."

Now after the worst earthquake in Japans history, and as the latest nuclear plant explosions continue, doesn't something like that statement just make you want to cringe and say, "What the *&#% is wrong with you?! "   It was okay up until the thing about global warming.   It wasn't exactly a good time to say that last part.  I don't think the people there are too worried about that kind of warming right now.  They are too overwhelmed right now.

Yeah right, nuclear power may not help contribute to global warming, but it could cause fallout  which can cause a global winterIt also causes radiation sickness and poisoning when there's a radiation leak or the reactor EXPLODES!  But maybe I've seen too many apocalyptic movies.  I remember Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.  I know there was no global winter or I wouldn't even be writing this now, would I?  You all know what I mean. 

We all know that there are many positive things about nuclear energy and it lets us do tremendous things.  Yes, it is a cleaner energy.  That's what that person meant.  Too bad he didn't say that instead.   Of course he should have phrased it differently, or perhaps left the global warming part out.   Because millions of  people are hearing him.  It doesn't help the people who are worried about loved ones and friends or the people affected by the earthquake, to hear those kinds of things when there is a nuclear plant leaking radiation.  Talk about irony. 

Geez people, try to be a little more sensitive.   I mean, how would you feel if you couldn't find your aunt Bertha, because she was lost in a plane crash.  Then someone says to you right after the crash, "You know air travel is the safest mode of transportation."  

Pretty ironic at that moment isn't it?  Well I guess it just wasn't all that safe for Aunt Bertha though was it...?  See What I mean?  It's really just a statement that's a tad over the line, at that particular time, don't you think?  That's not the sort of thing you want to hear after Aunt Bertha bid farewell to the world.  Now is it?  

So the next time you hear something that seems rather a bit too insensitive in light of current affairs, think of me cringing and laugh instead.   It will keep you from wanting to smack them in the nose!