Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


No Longer Hating Winter

I don’t really understand it, but I don’t hate winter like I usually do.  Don’t get me wrong; it’s not my favorite season either.  I still don’t really like winter and I still prefer any other season.  But for some reason this winter, so far that is, I almost like it.  I don’t mind the cold, as long as it’s not too cold.  Yes I know the level of cold is relative to what one thinks is too cold.   I mean anything above 25 degrees is okay with me right now.   It’s gotten a lot colder recently.

When the sun is out, especially after a brand new snowfall, I can’t help but enjoy how pretty it is.   Did you see the pictures I took during the mini snowstorm?   On my walk today, I kicked up the snow, as if I were a kid again.  It was very soft and fluffy.  Walking in it so often not going anywhere in particular, but just to walk I think, makes a difference in how I feel about snow now.  I walk for the peace and solitude, the meditative aspect and for exercise. 

A lot of the country is having really bad weather conditions with snow right now and I certainly do feel for them.  I’ve lived it many, many times.   I grew up in the cold climate of the Midwest, so I know blizzards and ice storms all too well. 

I’ve never liked to drive in snow.  I have a vivid memory from years ago of my car slowly sliding sideways into a ditch near the forest preserve on my way to work.   It was very surreal.   It was so slow and it wouldn’t stop because there was a sheet of black ice on the road.  A wonderful older gentleman helped to push me out of the ditch. 

Another time while driving on the wide open Interstate, I experienced what a White Out really is from the inside.  It hit my car all of a sudden.  I could see okay one moment and in the next, a wall of white fury engulfed my car.  That was all I could see, a chaotic white wall.   A moment later it passed and there was a semi-truck right in front of me!  Had I not been slowed down to a crawl because I was so nervous, I would have slammed into the back of that truck.   I saw all of these cars and trucks in the ditch on either side of the road.   I was shocked that my little car was still on the road.  It was very scary.  I turned at the next exist and got off the interstate and went back home.  It took almost 3 hours, but I was off that treacherous stretch of road.  There but for the grace of god…  

I’ve walked home from the bus in show higher than my waist.  It was the first blizzard I experienced as an adult.  Someone, thank goodness, had gone down an entire 3 block long span with a snow blower, so I walked in the little path they had made with the blower.   The snow was piled so high it was almost claustrophobic.   But then I didn’t have as much snow pelting my face while walking down that narrow path.  I was already exhausted from tromping (no not treading!) through the waist high snow for the previous few blocks. 

The snow that day was wet and heavy and was coming down hard, making it harder to see.  It was stinging my eyes and that little path was very welcome.   If I had slipped and fallen, no one would have seen me!  When I got home I leaned against the doorbell because I didn’t have the strength to find my key.   I almost fell into the doorway when my father opened the front door.  I had on so many pairs of pants and socks; he had to pull my boots off for me!  He was laughing from the moment I got in the door.  I can almost hear his laughter now and see his sparkling blue eyes.

Could it be that I am truly beginning to become more accepting of things like winter?  I almost welcomed it this year.  Acceptance is supposed to happen with a regular meditation practice.   I have become more accepting of many things.  I’m not as reactionary as I used to be, that has been happening for the last couple of years.  I’ve had greater empathy too for quite a long time.  But liking snow more?   How much of that is acceptance and how much was emotion?

Because I garden, I do understand why cold and snow is necessary.  Cycles are necessary for the rest and growth of many plant varieties.  I wrote about that before.  This is different.  I’ve always hated winter.   It snowed all day yesterday and yet the drive home wasn’t bad and it didn’t dampen my mood.   It appears that in the past I let my emotions stop me from appreciating the true beauty and nature of winter.   I’ll have to let you know if I still feel this way in a few more weeks!