Smokey Mountain Memories

Smokey Mountain Memories
A Little Slice of Heaven


Oh My! It's HolidayTime!

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here already!  This year went by very quickly.  I realized yesterday, that I say that every year.  This year I haven't felt the sense of urgency, that I usually feel at this time of year.  Good, I like that.  Loosing a loved one makes you re-think holiday traditions too.  I am not really that interested in presents and decorations.  Maybe I will be as it gets closer, but didn't we just decorate for Halloween?!  I just brought in my garden ornaments the other day just before it snowed.  Is it Christmas already???!!

Now I know what you are thinking; and no I am not depressed.  I enjoy the music and other people's decorations.  My office mate and I were singing to Christmas songs on the radio while we worked this week.  That is, we sang between one crisis and the next.

Our office secretary has a display of musical and other Christmas characters you just have to see and hear to believe. They are lined up all along the ledge in her work area.  It's quite a sight.  They cover about 20 feet of that ledge.  We tried to turn them all on at the same time yesterday.  In order for them to all play at about the same time, two of us had to run from  each side and meet in the middle.  Its very loud and a bit of a din, but great fun.  Each one plays a different song or tune.  Some of them spin, others bob and some just sort of shake.  When they are playing all together, you just can't help but laugh.  They really put one in a good mood, as much as they liven things up. 

I've already shopped for Christmas presents for several of the people on my list.  I am almost done with my list.  I've told people that I want to stop the focus on getting lots of stuff.  Most people are instead asking for things they need this year.  For instance, I asked for a new tea kettle, in blue.  I need a new one and blue is a nice change.  I will enjoy it and use it every day.  In previous years, I've watched the family which is quite large, open all kinds of gifts.  The mess left afterward and the piles of "stuff" has been kind of obscene.

Last year I kept thinking this isn't what it's supposed to be about.  The best gift I got, was my father being awake the whole time we were with him at the hospital.  I'm so glad he was.  It was such a nice day and the place didn't matter.  I didn't know it at the time, but it would be the last Christmas I would spend with him.   But don't feel sad for me.  It's a good memory I cherish. 

About a month ago, we started gathering prizes and gifts for patient give aways and looking at the menu for the patient parties.  We all are even more concerned with giving them a nice party this year.  I like that at this job, several people help out in planning and organizing the party.  Most of the patients truly appreciate the effort.  So it helps us to feel like all of the work is worth their smiles and laughter.  We start setting up at 7:00 am and end at 5:00 pm and do it all again the next day.  I am always exhausted afterward.  But it is a good kind of tired.  And then I know it is truly Christmas!

Actually now that I think about it, those parties are really what Christmas is all about. Isn't it?  Dishing out food and handing out gifts and prizes, to people without much money or no family; that's what it's really about.  Isn't it?  Giving to others and in return getting so much more in return.